Tuesday, December 8, 2015




.:: Day 4 ::.

Plum: "So, um, after the latest challenge I have taken note of someone from the other team. *blushes* I must say, he’s rather dashing, and quite intelligent as well. What was his name, Caden? Yes, Caden! He gives me a nice, bright yellow. Intelligent, yet optimistic. I know if I don’t act upon my feelings, he’ll just slip through my fingers! Hmmm, Brent did say something about Parrot Mail or something, right? I’ll use that, and send him a little secret admirer note, hehe. Oh, I’m so nervous… I hope a smart, literate man like him will see something in a girl like me…. Wish me luck, camera guy~!" <3


*Plum scribbles something hastily*

Plum: "Hmmm...."

Plum: "OK, good enough! I hope....."
*rips out sheet of paper and rolls it up*

Artie: "Bien matin, Ms. Parsons!"

Plum: "Huh?!"

Plum: "Oh, hey, hehe, uhm.... Good morning to you as well, Artie. What are you doing up so early??"
Artie: "Je could ask the same?"
Plum: "How about you go first?"

Artie: "I cannot dormir. I feel ze strong désir to... to.... PAINT."
Plum: "Then paint! What's stopping you?"

 Artie: "Only un problème.... No have mon art. No couleurs, no paint, no stylos.... I am artless. I neider have mon chevalet."

Plum: "Your chevalet? What's that?"

 Artie: "Mon chevalet? Why, mon chevalet c'est mon.... mon.... Eazle!"
Plum: "Eazle.... OH! You mean your easel?!"
Artie: "Why yes, exactement! Rue promis to make me un eazle if I found la matériel pour it."

Plum: "Speaking of Rue, noticed our new 'palm hammock' yet?? It was Rue's idea! That boy sure is the inventor and creative mastermind around here. I heard he's going to try and make us a more proper toilet today."

Artie: "Ah,  yes, Rue very créatif boy... Like je, knows how work his hands! But Plum, you ignoré mon question. What you do so early? What you writing?"

Plum: "Oh, no, no, it's nothing."
Artie: "J'en doute! Tell me!"

Plum: "No, really! Just writing in my journal a bit."
Artie: "Open you paume."
Plum: "Open my what??"

Artie: "You paume! Open it! Tu.... you hiding something!"
Plum: "I am NOT!"
Artie: "Oui, oui you is! I see it! Papier! In you paume!"
Plum: "Fine.... I'm writing a letter. Just.... just follow me. I don't want to be overheard."

Artie: "Ohhh.... So tu are writing un lettre to Caden, hein? Adorable!"

Plum: "Stop it! It's not adorable! Well, I mean, like, HE'S adorable, I think, but.... Okay, look, I don't want anyone to know, okay? I don't need rumors spreading around about me, which, I know, sounds very ironic considering my job requires me to spread information among people and what-not, but I want this to stay a secret. I don't even want him to know it's me yet. Okay?"

 Artie: "Oui, bien. You secret safe wiz moi."

 Plum: "Good. Thank you. I knew I could trust you."
Artie: "What you write? In ze lettre, I mean."
Plum: "You really want to know?"
Artie: "Ze cours!"

Plum: "Okay.... here goes... Tell me if this is too awkward or something...."
*clears throat*
"Dear, Sweetest Caden,
You make my heart swell, and I can’t explain these strange feelings for you. I have never spoken to you, although, I experience an abnormal amount of attraction. I can’t admit to you my identity for now,
but I will leave you with this.....
~ Sincerely, Your Secret Admirer"

Artie: "Zat was cute. You attachez ce?"
Plum: "What did I attach?"
Artie: "Oui."
Plum: "Just a pretty little purple seashell I found on the beach this morning."
Artie: "Ah, how spécial! Now, je must find bois ..... ehh... Wood! I must find wood pour mon eazel!"

Artie: "Plus tard!"
Plum: "What did she just say?! She didn't call me a tard just now, did she? Oh, I doubt it.... Anywho. Where's that parrot?"

Plum: "Paddy the Parrot! Where are you! I have some mail to deliver!!"
*Makes a mixture of squawking, squeaking, and chirping sounds*


 Artie: "Some of ze people in ze jeu have declaré zat I am not simple to comprend... understand(???), in Anglais??? Ze people la moi means are people I 'ave met on zis islande... Et most of them are on le Camp Bloodclaw."
*Artie sighs*
Artie: "La langue Anglais, it iz le most difficile langue of le monde, ... ze world. Moi, je speak tout les langues on ze world perfectement, mais only not la langue Anglais! Tony, il is Italien, so ze 2 of us converse in Italien bien sûr. Linda, elle knows les langues des games video. Et Ambrose, la 2 of us know la langue des signes..."
*Artie does some sign language gestures*
Mr I's translation: "When a private detective is on a secret stealth case and has to break in a suspect's house to gather information about them."
Artie: "Heheh... Maybe la moi could sabotage un bit with Brent later on..."


                                          *Ambrose begins to use French sign language*
~{Mr. I's translation: Good morrow to you, Ladies, Gentleman and Spirits of the nether realm, I bring forth bad news on this day. My heart breaks for my beloved tribe as i say this but not long ago we took to battle against the positivley evil Bloodclaws in a game of talking charades, To which we were thrashed *Ambrose makes a shocked face* Torn asunder! Defeated by the dastardly vagabonds but i call fowl on there evil scheme, There was much sabatage from our less than humble acquaintance, Monsuier Mole!!! *Ambrose places her hand upon her head and dramatically faints*}~
*Ambrose lies on the floor for several minutes, completely motionless and appears to have stopped breathing*
*She suddenly jumps up as if she has risen from the dead and jump-scares the cameraman*
~{Mr. I's translation: We will not be defeated, We must continue in our search for our common enemy "Le' Espion" however here is the bad news.
One of us will be castaway from our tribe this evening and according to my friend Le' Paddy de Parrot this involves being made to walk the plank and being fed to sharks, or atleast that is what the other tribe tell me. *Ambrose begins to sob uncontrollably as sad violins play in the background* I do not want to be fed to the sharks! I am too young! There is so much more i have yet to say, or not say. I taste stringy and smell of 3 week old socks!}~

Isabelle: "Alright, Ambrose. Whitney and I here have been discussing. We have to write names down in tonight's Tribal Execution. I believe us women should stick together, and spread our votes over the guys. I would rather place-"

Linda: "Hey gals! What an unexpected surprise! I had no idea you were all gamers like me. Thanks Izzy-"

Isabelle: "Isabelle."

Linda: "-Thanks Isabelle for getting us together to chat!"

Linda: "Did you all hear about the LEGO version of Marvel's Avengers, set to be released on the Wii U?? Admittedly, I'm not a huge of the Marvel's franchise, I'm more of a Batman girl myself."

Ambrose: "...."
Isabelle: "...."

Linda: "...What? Did I say something?"
Whitney: "WAIT..... Linda."
Linda: "Yes?"

Whitney: "I like TOTALLY thought you were from Bridgeport, which is like, in, Contecticut!"
Linda: "Well, yes.... Pronounced 'Connecticut'."
Whitney: "But WHY then did you say you live in like Batman City? That's totally not in Con-...ecticut!"

Linda: "I don't even understand what you're saying right now, sorry. I just enjoyed playing Batman: Arkham City."

Whitney: "OHHHH..... I'm like, so totally silly! I like totally thought you lived in BATMAN! Hahahaha, what a stupid mistake, am I like stupid or what??"

 Linda: "Honestly Whitney, I don't know what you are. You do realize Batman is a PERSON, right? Not a city. A real, living and breathing man of great strength and intelligence."
Whitney: "Oh. Uhm....."

Isabelle: "Annnnnd that is enough of that nonsense. Linda, we are not discussing games. I said we are going to have some game talk. So now, we must decide on which guy to vote for tonight. Shall we split it?"

Ambrose: *Points to Isabelle, then pretends to be brushing her teeth. Points to Linda, imitates fishing. Then points to Whitney and mimes playing the guitar*

 Linda: "I don't get it."
Whitney: "Yeah, you want me to play Caden's guitar?!"

 Isabelle: "No, no, no. Ambrose is telling us how to distribute our votes. I use my 3 votes on Midge, Linda on Tony, and Whitney on Caden. But where does that leave you, Ambrose?"

Ambrose: *Uses her fingers to count 1, 2, and 3 while pointing at each of them consecutively*

 Linda: "Sooo.... You split your votes between the 3 guys?"
Ambrose: *nods vigorously*
Linda: "Yeah. I suppose that would work!"

Whitney: "Yeah, heeeey.... I was like just thinking, and I just totally came up with this genius idea that like maybe we just, IDK, shouldn't vote the guys out? I mean, like.... Eye candy, girls. And I really really like them doing the heavy lifting around here, ya know?"

Isabelle: "NO! I don't know! What are you, a damsel in distress?"

Linda: "Ugh, I HATE the damsel in distress plotline. Fricken Princess Peach.... Need I elaborate? I don't think I've ever seen Peach not get kidnapped by Bowser and end up needing Mario to rescue her in some way, shape, or form. So predicable! And predictability is certainly not good writing."

Whitney: "So does that mean I'm like Princess Peach?! Eeeeeeeeee!!! Oh-em-gee guys, I get to be a PRINCESSSSSSS!!!!"

Isabelle: "Oh, for crying out loud! Whitney-"

Linda: "No, it's okay, I got this one. You have to explain things in Whitney Language. Don't worry, I've mastered this language by now."

Isabelle: "Oh, good for you. A clear advantage.... Until Artie comes over and claims she knows that language too! HA! Am I right? ....Oh, okay, never mind then...."

 Linda: "Whitney, we need to work together in order to survive this game. If we don't, one of us could certainly be the first axed Viperfang member. Don't you want us girls to stick together and make them boys walk the plank?"

Linda: "And I do mean that literally, since they made the contestants do that briefly in season 3, so that could potentially be the Execution style again this season..... Just like in Assassin's Creed: Black Flag!"

 Whitney: "I dunno guys...."
Isabelle: "If I may ask... What is there to not know?"

Whitney: "Well it's like, this may sound totally cheesy, but like, I really need to find my soupmate at some point, right? Like, don't we all just wanna find our soupmate?"

Isabelle: "Aca-scuse me???"
Whitney: "What?"
Linda: "Did I just hear 'SOUPmate'?"

 Isabelle: "Unfortunately, I believe you did. No one tell Caden."

Linda: "Hey, what is- AHHHH! AMBROSE!"


Isabelle: "Ambrose!!"

Isabelle: "....Ambrose?"

Isabelle: "You must be joking."

Linda: "Ha! I get it! She acted like she was walking the plank! See, Whitney, is THAT what you want for yourself??"
Whitney: "Oh, gee, not really! I totally would rather not walk on any wood today, I don't need any more splinters.... I like STILL have that one in my buttocks that no one STILL hasn't offered to take out for me!!"

Isabelle: "I believe we are done here. Linda, Whitney; vote tonight like the Mime girl said. In the event of a tie, there is a good possibility one of those pigs will go home. Capiche?"
Whitney: "Capooche!"
Isabelle: "....On second thought, maybe we should write down YOUR name tonight."

Linda: "Hey! I just felt a raindrop! SHIFTCLICK-CHANGE WEATHER-SUNNY..... Did it work?"
Whitney: "Uhhhh.... nope."

Linda: "Darn. We must find the Weatherstone then! Everyone.... Follow me!"

 Isabelle: "I am just fine by this fire. It is warm enough for now, right?"
Whitney: "Totally!"

Linda: “So, today, Isabelle told me that she is inviting all of the girls for some "game talk". I immediately said "Yes" as it is a pleasure to meet some Girl Gamers like myself. However, as I arrived there, I was basically talking about video games when Isabelle wanted us to talk about this show. I can tell that Ambrose and Isabelle were looking at me with odd faces though Whitney was stating her typical comments believing that Batman is a city when I was talking about Batman: Arkham City.”

Whitney: "Oh! Em! Gee!!! I can like totally not believe how pretty this Dairy Room is! I don't know where they keep the cows though... Anyday! I like totally have been super helpful with my friends here! We totally made some campy stuff and I totally helped decorate! I found some pretty flowers to add to the place! It's so lovely to be here on the beach. It's like totally living in paradise!
I've totally been spending my time here wri-... Spying on all the hotties... And Mr Cutie McHotterson from the other team... He's like TOTALLY GONE! But that's okay... I can totally like... Find another Mr Hottie Cutie somewhere else around here! Oh my gosh! Maybe I can totally like... Find a... A... BFFFAE!!! Best Friend For Forever and Ever! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"


 Georgie: "You know what? I haven't been fully honest here. Living out here.... in this crazy wilderness.... Is really gettin' to me, yah know?"

Georgie: "It's just.... I really am not much of a camper. At all. The last time I camped was.... Gee, I don't even know. Maybe 40 years ago when I was just a younglin'? Just a squiglin' little toddler. I have very vague memories."

Mason: "Hehe, can't say I'm much of a camper either. In fact, I know for a fact I never have gone. You see, my parents were always quite wealthy. And I've always lived in the city.... Born in Bridgeport, raised in New York, moved to LA later in life. So yeah, not a lot of nature around there! Just the concrete jungle."

Georgie: "A-ha! So you haven't been enjoying our Neanderthal-like existence either, have you? I'm not the only one then, yah?"

Mason: "Yeah.... You are definitely NOT alone, ma'am!"

 Georgie: "....Ma'am??"

 Mason: "Oh, sorry.... Did I say something wrong?"
Georgie: "I'd say so."
Mason: "Sorry, sorry, it's just... I thought 'Ma'am' was the proper word to use for folk from the south."

 Georgie: "The SOUTH?! Where you think I'm from, cotton candy-head??"

Mason: "Errr.... Mississippi? ....Alabama? Texas? .... Uhmm... Georgia? Haha, get it, 'cause your name is Georgie.... No? Okay, erm, maybe Kansas? South Carolina? ....Feel free to stop me at any point...."

Georgie: "HAH! I'm just messin' with you. I'm from Minnesota, dontcha know? And we dun talk English, alla us speak like dis as if our IQ is below 90, yah?"
Mason: "Oh.... haha, phew. I thought I offended you for a second-"

Georgie: "But seriously. I know that Fargo movie made all foreigners think we speak like that, but I can tell you honestly that only about 5% of that is even accurate. You picked up on my accent, obviously, but had no clue I was from up north! Ha, classic!"

Georgie: "Anyhootin.... We need bowls or something to eat this rice here. I don't want people eating right outta the basket. Any ideas?"
Mason: "Empty coconut shells?"

Georgie: "Oh, yah! That's genius! I'll go find some right quick."
Mason: "I use one as a canteen for water, so why not use them as bowls too?"

Georgie: "You are so utterly smart, my dear Mason. You know that? You really are a smart cookie, I would just eat ya up if I could! Awh hell, my kids know more than anyone that Mama G needs her sugar more than anyone else!"
Mason: "Uhh.... Thank.... you?"

Georgie: "Hmm.... But you know what else Mama G needs?"

Mason: "Uhh.... I don't. Please share."
Georgie: "Mama G needs a cat nap! I've been collecting moss all day and could certainly use the break. My back is KILLING me."

Georgie: "....Although our shelter isn't quite going to help that. I miss my snugly bed back home dearly. Just.... just yet another reason that this season's twist is gettin' to me. Not what I expected at all coming into this game, but, gotta make the best out of it, right? ...Right?"

 Mason: "Right.... Best to stay optimistic! It's not like we're completely starving. And at least we actually have a roof over our heads at night.... sort of. And it hasn't been too hot or cold.... for now. And the game hasn't gotten to me.... yet.
I change my mind. You shouldn't just try to be, you HAVE to be optimistic, or else you'll lose your mind out here!"

Adrian: "Wait. What is this? Rue. Come here."
Rue: "What is it?"

Adrian: "See for your damn self."

 Rue: "I don't get it. What's wrong?"
Adrian: "Look inside."
Rue: "Inside the toilet?"
Adrian: "No, inside my soul."

Rue: "Really?! You mean it? I can stare deep inside your soul??"

Adrian: "...What the fuck is wrong with you? It was clearly a joke."

Rue: "I'm so sorry I don't know where that came from...."
Adrian: *sighs* "It's fine.... People get weird around me for some reason. I'm used to it. Now look below you."

 Rue: "....What in god's name is THAT?!?!"

 Adrian: "It's called poop, Rue. Ew, that makes me feel slimy and gross just saying it. But that right there is an absurdly large piece of fecal matter, and it has clogged the toilet already. Your piping system didn't work. Why couldn't you just build a toilet over the water like we all asked?"

Rue: "Whatever."
Adrian: "Excuse me?"
Rue: "I said whatever! If you want to use the ocean as your toilet so bad, no one's stopping you."
Adrian: "I am not a peasant."
Rue: "Excuse you?"
Adrian: "I piss and shit on a royal throne, not the ocean, kid."
Rue: "Sounds like a 'you' problem, honestly."

 Adrian: "No. It sounds like an EVERYONE problem, actually. Your way didn't work. Just admit it. The toilet as it is isn't high enough to drain out into the sea. Instead, it gets clogged, especially with Sasquatch shitting in it. Disgusting."

Rue: "Look. A toilet in the water wouldn't be easy. It would need a strong foundation to support itself and the user. It would have to be high enough for the tide not to rise above it. And if it's high enough, you would practically need stairs to get to it, and at this point you would have to create a foundation of some sort to even support the stairs, like a deck. We don't have the tools to create a deck- no chainsaws, no cutters, no nails, screws, or hammers, even. We could make a hammer but that's ineffective without nails or even the right wood to begin with. And finally you have the discomfort of it all, since it would be rather unpleasant to have to get wet each time you want to use the John.
So no, a toilet in the ocean would NOT be practical, or even possible in our current situation.
My way works, as long as we keep Sasquatch away. Or make a plunger. Either or."
Adrian: "....."

Adrian: "I like you."
 Rue: "Huh?"

Adrian: "You defended your point well, and held your ground boldly. You would make a great lawyer. Or even thief; oh, yes, you would be a great thief! You could weasel your way out of any sticky situation.... And you look quite nerdy, so no one would ever suspect you. Heck, you could be a serial killer for all I knew, and I would never believe it!"

Rue: "Er... yeah, I suppose. I guess."
Adrian: "However, that does not mean I wouldn't believe you to be the Mole. As of now you're not on my radar, but I would be stupid to discount you as a potential Mole suspect."
Rue: "You better hope I'm not, then."

Adrian: "Did you feel that? I just felt a rain drop. I sense a storm coming. I can feel it."

Rue: "Well I'd imagine so, since you just felt a rain drop, which usually implies a storm or-"
Adrian: "-Let's savor this moment in silence, shall we?"
Rue: "...Okay..."

Caden: “So... Tony asked me to dig a hole, but I'm not sure what for? *GASP* COULD THAT BE A HINT THAT HE'S THE MOLE?! I have a memory of a goldfish so I need to take note of this. *Grabs journal* Alright, let's see... *Stops as soon as he puts pen to the paper* What was I writing again? Damn this bad memory! >:( Well, it must not have been that important. And Ambrose gave me a heart attack when climbing that tree. I thought for sure she was going to fall! And Whitney, don't even get me started on her. I mean, her grammar is so horrible that I want to wash her mouth out with soap until she can speak properly. And she's soooo dumb, I think a rock could do better in mental challenges than she can. UGH, SHE'S SO FRUSTRATING. HOW AM I THE ONLY ONE BOTHERED BY THIS?!"
*Huffs and storms away angrily*


Midge: "Hey. What's up?"

Tony: "We believe the girls may be forming an alliance."

Midge: "What makes you think that?"

Caden: "I saw them. All around the fire, talking all quietly and conspiracy-like."

Midge: "But you didn't actually hear them?"
Caden: "Well, no."
Midge: "Then how can you two be sure?"
Tony: "We can't."

 Tony: "However..... Better to be safe than sorry, right? I can sense it. It's testosterone versus estrogen out here.
But now we must figure out how to split the votes...."

 Midge: "Who says voting will even matter though? It's the quiz that decides most of it."
Caden: "Yes, but the quiz is only 5 questions."
Midge: "Oh, it is?? Damn. That changes things."

Tony: "Yes, it does.... Why don't each of us just pick a different girl, and write her name down for all 3 slips?"
Midge: "Yeah, that makes sense."
Caden: "But which 3? They outnumber us 4 to 3."

Tony: "I'll vote for Linda. I think she's smarter than we give her credit for. A huge threat for sure."

Midge: "I'll vote Isabelle or Izzy, or whatever her name is. Her unpredictable personality scares the hell out of me. One moment she's ignoring me, the next, she's all over me! .... verbally, of course. I would never let her physically touch me. Just wanted to set that straight in case Gwen was watching.... Which she likely is.... So, hey Gwen!"

Caden: "Then I suppose that leaves me with Ms. 'Liketotally!'....."

Tony: "ACTUALLY.... I think it would be better for you to place your votes on Ambrose. Because, let's be honest here.... Whitney isn't winning this game. Why bother trying to get her out?"

Caden: "Yeah, but she is more annoying than a crying baby in a movie theater. I'm not sure how much longer I can live on an island with her."

Tony: "Well, just try. She poses no threat to your game or my game. Or anyone's game, for that matter."
Midge: "True indeed."
Tony: "Hey, whatever happened to that clay you said you would dig up for me?"

Caden: "....What? Talking to me?"
Tony: "Uh-huh."
Caden: "What clay?"
Tony: "Yesterday I asked if you could dig up some clay so we could mold it into a bowl. I never found any clay by the fireplace when I got back from fishing."
Caden: "Oh, uhm.... About that....."

Caden: "Ahh! What was that?"

Midge: "Looks like we got a delivery!"

Midge: "Let's see what Paddy the Parrot has delivered for us today...."

*reaches down and grabs the fallen scrolls*

Midge: "Parrot Mail for me, Parrot Mail for Whitney, Parrot Mail for..... Oh, no, this one's just a letter!"
Tony: "A letter?"
Midge: "Yeah, it's not designated to anyone, so I guess it doesn't count as Parrot Mail."
Tony: "Aprirlo! Open it!"

 Midge: "Alright, it reads....
'Dear, Sweetest Caden.....' "

Caden: "What?!"

*snatches letter*

 Midge: "Oooh, someone has a secret lover!"

Caden: "I don't even know who it's from!!"

Midge: "Then a secret admirer! Even cuter."

Caden: "Oh, shut up... It's probably a joke or mind game of some sort."

 Tony: "What's that purple thing?"

 Caden: "What purple thi- ....oh. I don't know. But never mind this. You guys don't need to know about any of this.... And neither does anyone else. Okay?"

Midge: "Haha, yeah.... 'Okay'."

Caden: "I'm serious! Don't tell the girls."
Tony: "It's fine, we won't. It's really not a big deal though, Caden. No harm in having a girl crushing over you."

Midge: "Unless that girl is 40-year-old Georgie.... Or, heaven forbid.... A man. Although knowing you I'm not sure you'd even mind that."
Caden: "What the fuck is that supposed to mean??"
Midge: "Sorry, I just wasn't sure.... It was meant as a joke."
Caden: "Yeah, right...."

 Tony: "It's getting dark. We should get ready to go soon. Anyone else as excited as I am for this??"
Caden: "Excited for what?"
Midge: "....The quiz."

Caden: "That's tonight?!? Why didn't anyone tell me??"

Tony: "I did! Literally 5 minutes ago!"

Caden: "LITERALLY literally, or just like, sort-of literally?"

Tony: "This must be what 'dejavu' feels like....."

 * * * * *


  VIPERFANG has received the quiz. 

5 questions about the identity of the Mole.

Whoever scores the lowest will be executed, and must leave the game immediately. 

BRENT: "Before you are 7 torches... Please each take one, bring it over here and light your torch ablaze. Fire represents your life in this game."

BRENT: "Once your fire is out, so are you."

*everyone dips in*

BRENT: "What an interesting development! It appears as if the genders have been segregated. Am I just imagining this?"

 Linda: "Eh."
Tony: "You are not just imagining, no."
Izzy: "Ew. I went to an all-girls private school, and let me tell you, it was NOT fun."
Whitney: "Oh totally! I hear ya sista!"

BRENT: "Err.... New policy! If you have something to say, please raise your hand. If you all talk at once I have no idea who's lips to read.... Damn this job is harder than I thought it would be. Where's my interpreter, anyway? Ambrose? Have you seen him?"

Ambrose: *acts out swimming in the ocean and getting attacked by a shark.... Then shakes her head tragically*

 BRENT: "WHAT?! Our interpreter got eaten by a SHARK? Oh, for Poseidon's sakes...."

BRENT: "Okay, bad news is, I'm going to have to rely solely on lip reading from hereon out.... Good news is, Mr. I, our interpreter, had no wife or kids to speak of, so, at least no one will miss him, right?"
*awkward silence* 
BRENT: "Yeeeah I couldn't even hear that awkwardness but I could just sense that it was."

 Izzy: "What does that even mean?? It would be silent anyway. Does he think awkwardness makes a sound or something?"

Whitney: "I dunno Izzy. I totally think he has, like, a point. I totally read somewhere that like people sub-conchizly spread like their inner thoughts to the world for the deaf to hear."
Caden: "Where on EARTH did you read that??"

Whitney: "On Facebook! There are totally some real axperts and science-tests on there!"

Caden: "I can't take her anymore. Someone shoot me. In the face. Right now."
Midge: "I volunteer as tribute!! ....Haha, juuuust kidding...." ;)

 BRENT: "....Okay. On with the show! So, I am here to tell you all that the results of the quiz came back, and there is indeed a TIE!"
*shock and awe*

 BRENT: "That means, a tiebreaker is in order. One at a time, you will walk across this bridge here to the voting area."

 BRENT: "There you will be presented with 3 slips of blank paper."

BRENT: "You then have the option to write up to 3 three names down, each of the same person or three different people on your tribe. I'll tally the votes, and whoever within the tie has the most votes, will be eliminated from the game."

 BRENT: "Any last words before we begin? I'm still curious about this gender divide...."

BRENT: "....No? Okay, Whitney, please start us off!"

 Caden: "So, Tony told me to vote one way, and then Midge told me another.... And now I can't remember which each guy said....  Hmmm.... I think Tony wanted me to vote Ambrose, but then Midge, on the other hand, was adamant about voting for.... Wait, no, I think he said something about.... no, not her.... Hmm... She's on the tip of my tongue.... Oh, no, no! NOT like that, get your minds out of the gutter!! ... Huh.... Starts with a 'Z'? No that can't be right either..... OH FORGET IT!"

 BRENT: "I'll go tally the votes."

 BRENT: "Ain't this some unexpected excitement? I feel like Jeff Probst!"


BRENT: "Ooh, I got the juicy scoop on who's leaving tonight.... I cannot reveal all the votes, as that could reveal too much information. If, for example, the person with the highest votes is NOT in the tie, they would know they weren't, therefore would have some knowledge that their quiz answers were not completely garbage."

 BRENT: "Before we begin.... If anyone has a hidden immunity idol and you would like to play it, now would be the time to do so."

Everyone: "....."

 BRENT: "'Right then. Among those in the tie, the person who got the most votes will leave momentarily.
With 8 votes to evict...."






























BRENT: "Ambrose, you are the Mole's second victim."

BRENT: "Please say.... or rather, act out your goodbyes and leave the vicinity. You will ride down a zipline and be escorted by ship back to the mainland of New Zealand, where you will be picked up by helicopter."

Ambrose: "....."

 BRENT: "...Wow. Quietest exit I've ever heard!"
Izzy: "Again, wouldn't they ALL be equally quiet for you since you are de-"
BRENT: "-and that just goes to show how great of a mime and actress Ms. Le' Fantastique was. Didn't even need words to express her sorrow. Her eyes did all the talking...."

 BRENT: "Perhaps she felt betrayed. Perhaps she didn't see it coming. If so, she was blindsided. Stabbed in the back by those she trusted.
Which begs the question.... Could that be you?"

BRENT: "G'night Viperfang. Try to buffer up your shelter, because you're going to need it with this upcoming storm. I can sense it.... You may think I'm down to 4 senses, but I still got 5 like the rest of you lot. My 5th is a strong connection with Mother Earth. And if She's telling me anything right now, it's to find cover ASAP."

BRENT: "Try and stay warm tonight, contestants."


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