Monday, February 1, 2016




.:: Day 6 ::.


Adrian: “I cannot believe the cheek of Tony. I try to be a man about it and think thoroughly what's best in all perspectives but he goes behind my back and pushes me off the damn pole? What a coward. He knew he needed to catch me off guard to get me down. I thought he had a better mindset than that, evidently not.
I'm glad we won, just viciously bitter that I am alone in losing to the opposing team. One good thing came out of it though, sleeping bags. I've been trying to find the perfect spot for mine, it needs enough shelter in case of rain/over bearing heat and somewhere accessible but kind of isolated too. I need restful sleep which I haven't had a damn second of since setting foot on this bloody island. I wonder if there's a hidden hatch or hut on this island somewhere. Maybe I should investigate...

I'm also trying to think of a way to satisfy my other curiosities. I want to devise a plan to get someone into my sleeping bag for the night, without getting kicked off obviously. I wonder if Viperfang girls would be off limits?”

 Plum: "Going somewhere?"
Adrian: "Huh??"

Plum: "Don't be a stranger. Get back in the shelter! You're getting soaked out there."
Adrian: "I was getting soaked in there too. This shelter isn't water proof. And the fire will die out if no one tends to it."
Plum: "We have sleeping bags now, the fire isn't as vital as it was before. Let it die."

Adrian: "....You're right. I am going somewhere. I need to find a better place to sleep than this shit hole. Too many of us stuffed in here like sardines. It's neither rain nor wind proof, and I'm tired of Georgie trampling over me every time she needs to use the toilet."

Plum: "Well then, have fun finding another shelter."
Adrian: "I will."

Adrian: "Do you REALLY have to follow me right now?"
Dan the Cameraman: "Yes. Yes I do."


Georgie: "Jesus Christ, what in the world did I eat...."

Adrian: "Oh, shit, sorry Georgie! Didn't know you were taking a shit!"


Adrian: "MY BAD!"

Adrian: "Woah.... What's that in the distance?"

Adrian: "SCORE!! A whole fucking cabin!"


Caden: "Why can't I just have a little? My breath smells worse than a dog's shit!"

Midge: "For the fifth time Caden.... FIFTH..... I am not sharing unless you have something to trade for it."
Caden: "You can use my gui-"
Midge: "-NO, Caden. Once again.... I have ZERO interest in using your stupid guitar!!"

Caden: "What?! My guitar isn't stupid! You're the stupid one with that stupid face of yours and your stupid obsession with your stupid teeth!!"

Midge: "You, sir, are ridiculous."

Isabelle: "Wha-- what in the world are you two dorks arguing about so early in the morning?"

Caden: "He's not sharing his mouthwash with anyone! He's a selfish prick. My teeth are going to rot out here."

Midge: "Seriously?"

Isabelle: "On a diet exclusively of rice and fish, and maybe some fruit here and there.... I highly doubt that will be a problem."

Midge: "THANK YOU. That's what I've been telling him all morning, yet he refuses to listen..."
Isabelle: "So why do you need it so badly?"

Midge: "Me? I'm not taking any chances. Like I've said before, I'm not going to be the dentist with the yellow teeth. How hypocritical is that? For me to be cleaning YOUR gums and say 'You need to floss more!', while my own mouth is a mess??"

Isabelle: "Riddle me this.... Why are you so terribly obsessed with your teeth?"

Midge: "I'm not 'obsessed' with my teeth, I just want to keep my job. You think I chose to be a Dentist for fun? It's the money I'm after."

Caden: "Isn't it a bit dumb to choose your life career solely based on the income?"
Midge: "Excuse you??"

Caden: "Life isn't about money-"
Isabelle: "My parents would beg to differ."

Caden: "-.... It's about doing what you love to do. I like teaching and working with kids, so sometimes I work as a substitute teacher. It's not a ton of money, but it gets me by just fine. At night I practice with my band; we're not wildly successful, but it's fun irregardless."

Isabelle: "You mean regardless?"
Caden: "No, I meant irregardless."
Isabelle: "That's not a w-"


Isabelle: "Sure. Because whatever you say MUST be correct. You are a man, after all, right?"
Caden: "How'd you know?? Insert sarcasm font here, please."

Isabelle: "Because of your thick skull and obnoxious voice. And your inability to be humble. And your gross back hair. And your loud snoring. And your terrible rationing of food skills. And your terrible fashion sense. I can keep going if you want....?"

Caden: "No that's okay. That last one was a really low blow though..... And also because it's the only one I can remember.... Or was that the only reason? You don't like men just because of their terrible fashion sense? That's pretty shallow of you to say."

Midge: "I'm outta here."
Isabelle: "Me too."
Caden: "Since when did you become a gangster, Midge?"
Midge: "What does that even MEAN, Caden??"

Caden: "Gangsters coined the term 'outta'. In the English Dictionary, it's pronounced 'out of'!"
Isabelle: "No kidding?!? Insert heavy sarcasm font here."

Midge: "At least I know who's name I'm writing down three times tonight...."


Mason: "Plum? Will you be sitting here for a bit?"

Plum: "Uhmm..... Well, I was actually just about to go make an entry at the Diary Room...... Riddle me this, why do we call it a 'room' when there are no walls? Huh?"

Mason: "I must admit. That is quite the mystery you have there. I shall go scrutinize over it amongst other things I must ponder over. Can--can you watch Fluffy for me? He needs some cam time. At least that's what she told me earlier."

Plum: "Errr.... Yeah, I suppose I could for a little while before I go."

Mason: "Thanks! I'm going to just go over there for awhile. I have some thinking to do."

 Plum: "Alright buddy. Leave your friend.... Fluffy....? With me!"

Plum: "How very peculiar indeed.... This man's hiding something for sure. If only there were a way to whisk it out of him...."

*Mason slyly checks back* 

Mason: "Hmm...."

Plum: "Why does he keep looking back over here, Fluffy? Does he think I'm going to strangle you or something? More saliently and perturbing, why am I talking to a stuffed animal?"

*Mason checks over his shoulder once more*
Plum: *waves sarcastically*
Mason: *quickly gazes back at the ocean* 
Plum: "....."

Plum: "Okay, I have had enough of this ridiculousness. Sorry Fluffy, you're on your own."

Plum: “Hello, camera man~! I am overjoyed to report that this is gonna be an extremely juicy scoop! Throughout this experience, I really have been learning a lot honestly... I feel like everyone here has really had a lot to teach me~ I've been very pleasantly surprised by everyone! Honestly, I didn't think that little shrimp Rue had anything to offer, but he's been teaching me a lot of stuff! Even by observing him I feel like there's a lot to learn... I wonder what makes that little head of his tick... Hmmm... I'm gonna go find out!! Wish me luck, camera man!!!”
Camera Man: “Plum, wait--!!! Oh, god she's gone... I hope she doesn't do anything stupid...”

 Mason: "Still missing in action, I see.... She sure is taking a long time at the Diary Chair, although that's nothing new. Still, she has abandoned her post while on duty."

Rue: "-me a few days, but I think it's finally completed!"

Artie: "Je say so! Rue, iz.... iz so beau! Merci, Rue. Merci!!"
Rue: "Oh, it was nothing. Really. This was one of my easier projects. TRUST me...."

Plum: "Hey guys! I see you've finished Artie's easel, Rue!"
Rue: "Indeed! .....and now I could use a nap...."

Artie: "Un much deserved sieste, I pense! You have surpassés yourself today, Rue. Je am.... forever grateful. Only wish zat I had un peinture.... errr.... paint, pour mon eazel!"

Rue: "Paint? Oh, yes, how could I have forgotten?? I'll get on it right away! Inventing paint from scratch on a deserted island sounds like a fun challenge indeed...."

Artie: "Zere is, erm.... Plum's stylo, as well.... But I préfère un brush over un stylo."

Plum: "Hey, like I've said before, I'm only loaning my pen out if you have something to trade for it. Not to be brash, but I had the foresight to bring a pen, something no one else thought to do!"

Rue: "Why would we bring a pen when they usually provide one? Besides, I've already found other methods to write in my journal. I've been making a black, ink-like substance from turning charcoal into ash and mixing it with water. And we have plenty of both resources!"

Plum: "What have you been using to write with? A feather? Haha, that would be cool. Like back in the olden days!!"

Rue: "I am, actually! Paddy the Parrot shed a feather couple days ago. It's a nice blue color."
Plum: "Oh wow!"

Artie: "Does.... zat mean zat you could.... make moi some peindre out of ze charcoal?"

Rue: "Ze course! I mean..... Of course! If I diluted it with more salt water, it would make a nice black watercolor. Or, if you lessen the water, it'll be thicker like real paint. Not the same thing, but as close as we'll get."

Plum: "That's nice, but this is Artie we're talking about.... That will only allow her shades of grey."
Georgie (off camera): "OOH! I LOVE ME SOME SHADES OF GREY!"
Plum: "Err... Shades of black, that is!"
Plum: "....Where the hell even is she?!"

Rue: "Plum.... You have given me an idea!!"

Plum: "Can you stop picking my nose please? That would be great if you did."

Artie: "Un idée? What izit?"
Rue: "I need berries! Lots of berries!"
Artie: "Baies? What pour?"
Rue: "Colour!!"
Artie: "Toi.... You know how to get moi couleur??"

Rue: "Yes, just follow me! If you find any type of berry... Raspberry, Huckleberry, Pokeberry, Buckthorn.... ANYTHING, pick it and bring it back here. I don't know what's poisonous though, so we should be careful not to eat them."

Artie: "Ooooh, zut. Ambrose was Executée. Muh... Moi, I was looking forward to la réunification with Madame Fantastique. Mais non, zat won't 'appen anymore..."
*Artie sighs out*
Artie: "But on contraire, Rue, he 'as aidé moi today. Il assiste moi with... searching for du peinture, for mon... easel. Oui oui oui, now, la moi can be... ZE FULL ARTIE STIQUE!!!"

Artie's echo: "STIQUE!!! Stique! Stique. Stique. stique. stique. stique..."

Artie: "Hmm, echo... Well, zat Rue is actuallyment très amiable. Like un petit puppy. Moi, je zink le boy could be... useful??? Zat's ze word for utile??? Madame I?"


Whitney: "Oh. EM. GEE! TONY, you are like, so fricken funneh!!"

Whitney: "....Tony?"
Tony: "Whu....?"

Tony: "Oh, PHEW! I like, totally just thought I like lost you there for a second, haha!"

 Tony: "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Shall we go collect some herbs and coconuts now?"
Whitney: "Sure!! .... Linda, could you PLEASE stop touching me there??"
Linda: "...Sorry...."

Whitney: "Isn't he just like, a total goofbasket?"

Linda: "I suppose. You two seem to be getting quite close?"

 Whitney: "Me and Tony?! Of course not! He's like engauged! I keep my distance from him.... Although we DID totally cuddle like the other night during the storm.... But that like totally doesn't count because like the whole tribe was cuddling!"

Linda: "No, no, I don't meant that. I don't mean literally close, either. I just mean.... friendship-wise. You two have been hanging with each other a lot lately."

 Whitney: "...Oh. Well, I suppose we have, huh? Let's just say... He kinda, like, reminds me of a friend back home. It's nice to be reminded of those we left behind, ya know?!"

Linda: "I suppose you have a point."
Whitney: "Can I like, ask a question?"
Linda: "No."
Whitney: "I actually have a good question this time though!! I SWEAR!"
Linda: "Fine."
Whtiney: "Where did that trash can come from??"
Linda: "What trash can?"

Whitney: "That one."
Linda: "That.... That's a good question, Whitney. Never thought I'd say that sentence in my life. I don't know, Whitney.... I really don't know."

Whitney: "Can I ask another question?"
Linda: "No."
Whitney: "But I like just asked a good one!"
Linda: "That's true. Go ahead."
Whitney: "What are you concockting?"

Linda: "Concock.... Oh, concocting? Nothing much.... Just a little medicine to help with minor scrapes and cuts. The recipe calls for some spider eyes, a golden carrot and a nether wart. I got the spider ingredients and something that resembles a nether wart, but I had to substitute the carrot for a banana. I figure they're both long and skinny, so."

 Whitney: "Heehee... You know what else is totally long and skinny??"
Linda: "Yes, but I prefer not to-"
Whitney: "ME! I'm long and skinny!!! Heeheehee!"

 Whitney: "Oh, right, Tony! I gotta go. Toodles!"

Linda: "See you soon!"
Whitney: "What?"
Linda: "Nothing!! You kids have fun now!"

Linda: "....but you won't be seeing me...."

 Linda: "At last.... My invisibility potion is complete!! ....I sincerely hope Isabelle doesn't mind me using her wine glass for this.... Let's just not tell her about the spider eyes, alright?"

 Linda: "Alright, this will probably take a minute to kick in."

Linda: "Time to find out the TRUE reason Whitney and Tony have gotten all buddy-buddy!"

Whitney: "Wow, you know what? I like, never realeyezed how like hairy you were before until now!"

Tony: "Hehe, my mama didn't call me little 'bambino peloso' for no reason! She says I came into the world with a thick head of hair, although I don't have the baby pictures to prove it...."

Whitney: "Hmmm.... yeah, that makes TOTAL sense. I'd imagine if you were, you know.... It would like, totally be hard to take pictures and stuff."

Tony: "If I were what?"
Whitney: "Oh, you know...."
Tony: "Oh, a baby you mean?"
Whitney: "Yass! A baby! Like, what baby could like, take pictures? Pft! Am I like, right or what? Haha- ha...... ha."
Tony: "What a funny image!"

 Whitney: "So you really like nature, huh?"
Tony: "It's the only time I truly feel free."

Whitney: "Oh, that makes sense.... And that just makes me feel even MOAR guilty for like, locking you up in a cage all your life... -- I MEAN- No, I didn't mean that, I like meant that-"

Tony: "SHUSH."
Whitney: "Huh?"

 Whitney: "Why are we stopping?"

Tony: "Just be quiet... We're being followed."

Whitney: "Followed?! By whom!? Oh god, oh god oh god, PLEASE don't let it be a cougar or a panda bear.... I HATE panda bears."

Tony: "....Why? And how? And more importantly, what??"

Whitney: "Weeeeelllll..... It's like..... totally a long story, but like.... Let's just say.... I once owned like a miniture panda once, and we totally did not like become BFFs. Long story short, I wanted a furry little cutesie little cuddly bear friend, so I settled for a hamster. I know, how cute, right? He was a handsome brunette youngin'. He was a rare variety, so I had to like order him from some Italian country. Anyway, I named him Toeknee Handson because we like totally played 'Hands, Knees, and Toes' a ton! Like, a ton a ton. I often let him roam the house, but never outside because outside is like a total no-no for my wittle hamster-manster! Needless to say... One day, Toeknee did not return to his cage. I like, searched forever and ever.... This was 2 weeks ago. But Toeknee never showed up. His dream was to venture outside, I totally know this because he would stare out the window! All he wanted was to grow some real legs and explore the world. The funny thing, the night before he like, went missing.... I saw a shooting star! And I.... I wished.... that my little 4-feeted friend would like become a human, so that we could explore the world together forever!! .... And then he disappears the next day."

Whitney: "One week later, I fly here and I meet you, Tony. My dear, much missed.... Toeknee......"

Tony: "....Fascinating. Truly fascinating story...."

Tony: "Oh, hey! Looks like we don't have to worry about being killed by a panda. It's just Linda."

*Linda comes to an abrupt stop*

 Linda: "What? How.... How did you see me? Can you see me right now?!"
Tony: "Uhm.... Is this a trick question?"

Linda: "Darn it! The potion didn't work.... Never mind me. Sorry for scaring you guys. I just wanted to, uh... help you collect some herbs and stuff! I could use some more herbs to add to my potions collection. If you don't mind my company, of course."

Linda: "....Tony? Can I join you? ....Tony? Earth to Tony!!"

Whitney: "See!? This is like EXACTLY the face my hamster Toeknee makes! The resambulance is just.... Incre- dah.... Incredi-ah..... gahh......incred-" 

Tony: "Incredible?"
Whitney: "YES!! Ding ding ding! See, my little Toeknee is like totally great at solving puzzles too! Just like you!"
Tony: "I'm flattered."

Linda: "Soooo.... We should probably find dinner soon, before it gets dark. And you know what that means...."

Tony: "Tribal Execution! Oh boy."

Linda: "I was going to say the onslaught of the creepers, but that too."

Whitney: "You guys are like so silleh!"

Linda: Isabelle has a feeling that Whitney secretly voted with the guys as she ended up spending a lot of time with Tony. While I am actually aligned with the guys, I decided to eavesdrop on Tony and Whitney because I am concerned about the guys lying to me.  So, I ended up making an invisibility potion like in Minecraft. However, it didn't really work because I had to use "back-up" ingredients due to the fact I couldn't find some ingredients on this island.  
Although, I did find out the reason why Whitney is hanging out with Tony so much; it's because she has a hamster named Tony, and thinks her hamster turned into a human before the start of the game, and she thinks our Tony is her hamster."


Caden: "Owh! Who did- She just pinched my butt!"
Izzy: "No I didn't!"
Caden: "Yes, you sure damn did!"

Midge: "Stop being so dramatic all the time, Caden."
Caden: "But, but-"
Izzy: "Butt, butt is right! And you got a cute little firm one indeed, heehee!!"

BRENT: "Welcome to your second Tribal Execution, Viperfang."

BRENT: "Please have a seat."
Whitney: "Really? I can like, choose any seat I want?? To take? What a deal!"
Linda: "...."
Tony: "No, Whitney. Just no."

 BRENT: "Errmm.... Interpreter?"

Ms. I: {"I got you, Brent"}

 BRENT: "Phew! I'm glad you're here. I was afraid history might repeat itself..."
Ms. I: {"How so?"}
BRENT: "Let's just say.... The sharks got ahold of our last interpreter..."
Ms. I: {"Does that mean I am his replacement? Because he died?!"}
BRENT: "Yes, but.... I'm sure you'll be fine! You're doing a GREAT job.

Izzy: "Lookin' real delish in those clothes, you hunk of a man!"
BRENT: "Uhm.... Interpreter?"
Ms. I: {"You don't want to know...."}

 BRENT: "'Right. Tonight.... We had another tie."

"One at a time, you will go and vote up to 3 times. If you have an idol you want to use, then please toss the idol into the fire next to the voting booth. Let's begin with Linda and move down the line."

 BRENT: "Another one will bite the dust very soon.... Is that even still a saying? My knowledge of the hearing world's use of cultural quotes and sayings is always behind the times, so I'm not sure.... But what I AM sure of, is that one of you is about to leave this game for good."

BRENT: "As you know, there was a tie, involving at least 2 people. Your votes tonight will decide who will be going home out of those within the tie. I can also tell you that one person tonight DID in fact use his or her idol, which is now mere ash. Whether or not the idol user was among those who tied or not, will remain unknown. All this information must be kept anonymous due to the nature of this show. Every piece of info could very well help someone discover the Mole. So just keep that in mind; much info is kept hidden, but all will be revealed Finale night."

BRENT: "With that said. A gust of wind blows, and the torch that goes out....."






























BRENT: "....Belongs to Midge."

BRENT: "Sorry mate. That bloody Mole has claimed yet another victim."

Midge: "Hmmm.... Suppose I could have tried harder to get an immunity idol. Oh well. My fate has already been decided."

Izzy: "You had your chance with me, but you wasted it. Your loss, honey!"
Caden: "Seeya, wouldn't want to be ya!"

Caden: "What a loser. Am I right??"

Tony: "You are wrong. He was like a brother to me."
Whitney: "Don't be silly, Toeknee. All your siblings totally got runover by that bus, remember??"

BRENT: "11 remain. TEN Players. ONE Mole...."


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