Tuesday, January 10, 2017


.:: Day 27 ::.

 BRENT: "Helloooooo everyone! Is it odd to say everyone when addressing just three people? Yes? No? Maybe? Anyway...."

 BRENT: "Welcome to your FINAL mission of the season!"

Morgan: "WHOOP-Dee-Doo..."
Mason: "Cannot believe it."
Izzy: "I thought this day would never come...."

 BRENT: "And BOY, do we have a special challenge for you all today! Nearly every season on Survivor, there is a LOVED ONES VISIT...."

Mason: "Wait, seriously??"

BRENT: "Everyone, come on up to greet your loved one!!"

BRENT: "In true 'Full Circle' fashion, we are mirroring the start of the season with each contestant climbing up this here ladder. And now, at the very end of it all, you will watch your Loved One make the same trek up here....
The first Loved One to take the trip up here, is...."

BRENT: "Mason's brother, W-"

Mason: "WES!?!"

Wes: "What a fun climb!"

 Mason: "Right?! We all had to do that our first day! My limbs are still a bit sore, haha...."

Wes: "So how the heck are you, man??"

 Mason: "Exhausted. Stressed, tired, hungry.... But I'm doing great! Just doesn't look it."

Wes: "No kidding! You look almost as frail as mom!"

 Wes: "And your hair! I don't think I've seen your natural hair color since... Well, honestly, I can't even remember, THAT'S how long it has been!"

Mason: "It's the color you notice, not the length??"

Wes: "True, I can actually see both of your eyes! Everyone at home was afraid you might just go ahead and make yourself an eye patch and become a pirate out here on this lonesome island. No one could really tell if you still had both eye balls!!"

BRENT: "Would you two mind slowing down your speech just a TAD? My interpreter is having trouble keeping up. Did you mention natural hair color? Mate, I don't think ANYONE here had any clue what Mason's true hair color was. But I can see it's starting to show?"

 Mason: "Slowly but surely. I have my mother's copper hair."

Wes: "Man, I should have brought you more hair dye! Your other colors seem to have faded."

Mason: "Oh, that is alright. I got the red and blue cut off. Figured it was time to mature a bit. I'm sticking with plain silver for now."

Wes: "YOU? Needing to mature more? Pft! Dude, you're a bit TOO mature! You dying your hair like an old man's proves it even more, hahaha!"

 Mason: "Do you really think it makes me look old? No one could tell my age out here. Granted, that benefited me when they took their quizzes."

 Wes: "No Mason, you look fine.... If looking like a fancy caveman qualifies as 'fine', bwhahahaha!!"

 Mason: "Oh, knock it off. You're just jealous that I can grow facial hair and you can't!"

Wes: "Jealous? Of THAT? Uhhhh.... Nosiree Bob!"

BRENT: "Gentlemen, you'll have plenty of time to catch up later, even moreso depending on the results of the upcoming mission. But to get there, we need to start the next reunion!"

Mason: "No problem, Brent. We'll wait in the corner."

BRENT: "Tell me, Wes... Where did Mason's good etiquette come from? Something he learned on his own, or from your parents, perhaps...?"

 Wes: "Little bit of both? He was always a shy but curious kid. Always asking questions, trying to solve everyone's problems! But he would do so respectfully. Always respectful, didn't matter who you were; man, woman, rich, poor, good, bad.... Mason was probably a little TOO much of a goody two-shoes growing up."

Mason: "What?! Please."

BRENT: "How interesting!"

Wes: "But that's not to give credit to our momma. That woman made sure we had the best set of skills and knowledge for the real world, yes, but more importantly she taught us manners and how to treat others. She turned Mason into a role model. So do I look up to my older brother? Absolutely. And even moreso now, I mean, just look at him! Final 3! INCREDIBLE!"

 Mason: "Thank you, Wes. You have no idea how much I appreciate hearing all of that right now.... I am so terribly grateful that you're here with me at this moment. I have so much to say, where to even begin..."

BRENT: "Who is that I see climbing up the ladder now?!"

BRENT: "Well, if it wasn't..."

"Octavia, Izzy's mother!"

Izzy: "M... Mother! W-what are you doing here?"

Octavia: "What, are you not pleased to see me?"

Izzy: "That's not what I meant! I thought Victoria was on the top of my visitor's list. Or my cousin Emily. Or even father. I... I just didn't expect to see you here is all."

Octavia: "Well, my Isabella... You know I do not approve of your friend Victoria, she is such a bad influence. Emily was feeling under the weather, and your father, well, you know your father. That man is always working away, providing for our family.... Hey, Isabelle, darling. I am having trouble here. Assist to me."

Izzy: "R-right.... Of course."

Octavia: "Never mind deary, I did it all by myself already. God, am I happy to see youuuOOO.... WHAT THE-!!"

Octavia: "What in the Lord's name are you wearing?!?"

Izzy: "Huh? OH! It... It's nothing, mother...."

Octavia: "Damn right it's nothing! For goodness sake, girl, where are your clothes??"

 Izzy: "I.... I lost them."

Octavia: "You LOST them. How vague. Care to explain?"

 Izzy: "Well.... I didn't exactly LOSE them, I, uh.... I had them taken from me. I've been stripped of many commodities here, you must know..."

 Octavia: "If I had known you were signing up for this freak show, you would never be here to begin with. ....Which I am guessing you already knew, which is why you did not inform me of your quote 'Bahamian Vacation'. So, I decided to surprise you, to see how you were spending all your "hard-earned" money."

Izzy: "...."

Wes: "Ouch!?"
Mason: "Indeed."

Morgan: "You didn't tell her you went onto The Mole?! Hmmm... How interesting..."

 Octavia: "And why did that deaf man call you Izzy?!"

Octavia: "Isabelle. You aren't... You know...."

 Izzy: "NO! I don't know! What?!"

Octavia: "YOU know... Going back and doing your, er... 'Switch-a-roo' thing...? Your alter ego, one might mention."

 Izzy: "No, mother. I grew out of that. I have told you this before."

 Octavia: "Oh, Isabelle.... Please baby, PLEASE don't lie to your mother!"

Octavia: "Have you really done this again? I thought we were past this! Past this immature rebel phase!"

Octavia: "You are such a beautiful and intelligent child, how can you resort to such, such.... Stupidity?!
....Isabelle? Are you alright darling? You look ever so pale."

Izzy: "I just need, need some... r-ressss...."


Octavia: "ISABELLE!"

 EVERYONE: "......."

Octavia: "HELLO?!! Are you men deaf AND blind?!? Do something! My poor baby just fell!"

Mason: "Izzy? Izzy, you OK?!"

Octavia: "Does she LOOK okay to you??!"

 Wes: "She's not responding!"

Izzy: "W-wait... Hold up now... I'm fi-fineee..."

Izzy: "Let me, uh, just clear my head, please."
Wes: "Let me help you up."

Izzy: "...Thanks."
BRENT: "Cancel the medics!! Izzy, you need some water?"

Izzy: "Probably. More importantly though I think I just want to go sit by myself for a bit, if that's alright?"
BRENT: "Yeah, sure. Take your time sheila."

Octavia: "Isabelle, what on EARTH has gotten into you?! Are they feeding you enough? You look like a skeleton! And your hair! It is so unkempt and... raggedy! When is the last time you bathed? You all smell ATROCIOUS. And what are all these men making you wear??"
Morgan: "Not a man!"
Octavia: "Can they not provide something a bit more appropriate? Please, someone give this young lady a jacket or robe, just SOMETHING to prevent her from looking like a  complete prostitute!!!"

Izzy: "Mother.... For just ONCE in your life: Learn to shut the FUCK up! I am too exhausted to listen to your bullshit anymore!!"

Octavia: *gasp*

Izzy: "Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me. I need to rest."

Octavia: "Isabelle Fleming-Goode.... I am VERY disappointed in what you have become."

Izzy: "My name is Izzy Fleming. And the feeling is mutual."

Octavia: "Gah! Unbelievable... I need a drink."
Wes: "What? There's alcohol here??"

Izzy: "Unfortunately, no."

BRENT: "Such beautiful family bonding on display today. And now, bringing up the rear, what Morgan put as her 'Numbah 1 BFF', it's......."


Britney: "HAAAAAAY YA'LL! It's Britney, BEYOTCH!"

Morgan: "OH no..."

Britney: "EEEEEEEEK!!! I am just SO fabbergusted to be here! Like, OMG, this has to be like the most exciting-est moment of my entire total LIFE! Dontcha agree, Whit-..... Hold up."

'Britney': "What happened to Whitney?"

Morgan: "She uh.... Didn't quite make it this far, unfortunately. Long story. Involves a bit of puking and wig-pulling."

'Britney': "....You're kidding."

 Morgan: "Not at all. It's nice to see you though-"

 'Britney': "SO what you're saying is...."

???: "I put on all this garb, makeup, mascara, eyelashes, wig, and these ugly clothes, left my home, FLEW HOURS to get here, rehearsed and practiced dumb bimbo speak, and climbed all the way up this ladder here...."

???: "FOR NOTHING?!?!"

Morgan: "Uhhh yes. That's exactly what I'm saying."

BRENT: "May I, erm, interrupt for just a sec to ask who this really is?"

 ???: "Ugh. Yes, fine. Let me properly introduce myself..."

*she pulls off her wig and eyelashes*

*...and then throws them into the ocean*

BRENT: "THAT won't be healthy for the local marine life..."

 ???: "My name is Sandra Beltran, and I am Morgan's colleague and friend."

Sandra: "I am the school's most prestigious English teacher as well. Even though the kids hate it, my curriculum surrounds the teachings of Shakespeare, and sometimes I borrow Morgan's students to teach my students how to act since they fucking stink at it."

 Morgan: "Pft! Like mine were much better this year!!"

 BRENT: "Well then. This turned out... Unexpected. Does she even count as a loved one? Yes? No? Maybe so? Oh whale."

 BRENT: "ON WITH THE MISSION! Can someone get Izzy?"


BRENT: "The final mission is simply called 'Loved Ones Visit', and is worth a total of 180 points."

BRENT: "Morgan, Mason, Izzy... You each have only 10 minutes to brief your Loved One on the other two contestants. Because after the 10 minutes are up, it's questioning time, as I will ask 6 questions about each player to each Loved One."

 "These questions can be anything from natural hair color to date of birth, so make sure you fill in your Loved One with as much information as you think you- and them- can remember."

"For each correct answer given by the Loved One, 5 points are added to the pot."

"So essentially, each of you, AKA Sandra, Wes, and Octavia, are capable of adding up to 60 points. You should try as hard on this challenge as your partner wants you to, because after all, one of the final 3 is the Mole, and they might not want their Loved One to try as hard, since each incorrect answer obviously goes into their personal stash."

 BRENT: "ALSO.... The duo with the MOST correct answers will be rewarded with time together, bonding over entertainment and food!
Is everyone clear on how this mission works?"

*Everyone nods*

 BRENT: "Good! And unfortunately, since the Mole will have to break the news to their Loved One about their identity, in order to let them know how well to do in this challenge, we will NOT show the audience the debriefings.
Your 10 minutes start..... NOW!"

BRENT: "Great! Thanks everyone for gathering around in a timely manner, I hope you told your Loved One the information they will need for these 6 questions."

BRENT: "The questions are written down on the notepads on this table."

BRENT: "Loved Ones, please grab one and sit in a corner away from the three players to answer your 6 questions. You have 5 minutes to do so."


BRENT: "Right! Let's get started with the answers!"

BRENT: "We'll be answering about Morgan for our first round."
Morgan: "Greeeeeeat...."

BRENT: "Question 1: What color are Morgan's eyes?"
[All answers said were given by the real life players themselves]

Wes: "I said BROWN."

Octavia: "Same. I wrote BROWN."

 BRENT: "You both are correct! That's 10 points into the pot.
Question 2: What is Morgan's middle name?"

 Wes: "My brother didn't remember her ever saying she had a middle name, so I wrote DOESN'T HAVE ONE."

Octavia: "My daughter did not help me with this one, so I randomly guessed LEANN."

BRENT: "It's true... Morgan does NOT have an official middle name, so somewhat of a trick question. Wes got it correct, Octavia did not.
Question 3: What is Morgan's current occupation?"

Octavia: "That's a bit specific... I just wrote DRAMA TEACHER."

BRENT: "Both correct again.
Question 4: What is Morgan's age?"

Wes: "38!"
Octavia: "How unfortunate. I wrote 41. Looks like you are wrong."
Wes: "I don't think so! I distinctly remember Mason saying 38, and that guy has an eye for detail!"

BRENT: "41 is.... INCORRECT."
Morgan: "You bet your ass it is! I haven't hit that decade yet you pompous bitch!"
BRENT: "...And 38 is indeed correct.
Question 5: Morgan's place of residence?"


Octavia: "LOS ANGELES."

 BRENT: "Another 10 points for the group pot!
Question 6: Location of her Viperfang tattoo?"

Wes: "I'm guessing I can't look to double-check?? Haha, yeah, thought so.... I wasn't sure, but I wrote down the BACK."

 Octavia: "I was not positive either, so I wrote KNUCKLE."

 BRENT: "One of you is right, and one is wrong....
Wes, you are once again.... CORRECT! Congrats to you and Mason for a perfect score so far. That's another 5 points to the pot, but thanks to Octavia's plunder, the other 5 goes straight to the Mole."

Octavia: "I believe that would be my daughter's plunder, not my own. She never ONCE mentioned anything about a 'tattoo', and I hope to GOD she does not have one herself!"

Wes: "So what if she does? Would that really be the end of the world?"
Mason: "Wes! Do not antagonize her!"

Octavia: "Shush child. You know nothing."

BRENT: "Enough chit-chatter that I cannot hear!"

BRENT: "I believe it is now MASON'S turn to be answered about."

BRENT: "Same questions as before....
Question 1: What color are Mason's eyes?"

 Octavia: "GREY."
Mason: "They are??"

Sandra: "I said BROWN."

BRENT: "Mason's eyes are indeed... LIGHT BROWN. Brown is close enough, however. So only 5 points will go to the pot.
Question 2: What is Mason's middle name?"

 Octavia: "My daughter is trying to sabotage our relationship. She does not want to spend anymore time with me, so she purposefully told me nothing of use. I just know it."
Izzy: "Just answer the question Octavia."
Octavia: "...I am wishing I had a son instead of a daughter now. And I would have named him JAMES-PATRICK."

Sandra: "Was that your answer?"
Octavia: "I finished talking, did I not?"
Sandra: "And yet you still are."
Octavia: "Excuse me?"
Sandra: "You know, you are a REALLY awful parent."
Octavia: "Hah! And you wouldn't be?!"
Sandra: "The difference between you and I is that I had the foresight not to have any. You, on the other hand, aren't as bright."
Octavia: "...Who are you again?"

 Morgan: "Sandra, you're better than her. Just answer the damn question so we can win this thing and go eat apple pie and be all jolly."
Sandra: "Fine. I wrote EDWARD... It was something kinda Posh."

 BRENT: "Same as before. Sandra is right, Octavia is wrong.
Question 3: What is Mason's current occupation?"


 Sandra: "Yep. Ditto. PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR."

BRENT: "Both correct, onto question 4:
His age?"

 Octavia: "29, right?"
Sandra: "That's exactly what I wrote. 29."

BRENT: "Both... WRONG. Mason is actually 27."

Morgan: *snarls*
Sandra: "Oops....  My bad."

BRENT: "Question 5: Place of residence?"

Octavia: "Oh shoot.... erm...."
Izzy: "C'mon Octavia. I told you this. THREE TIMES."
Octavia: "I-I can't... remember... Gah, I don't know.... JUPITER, FLORIDA?"
Izzy: "WHAT?!"

Sandra: "Well, this almost feels like cheating, because apparently this man lives in the same city as Morgan and I.... LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA."

 BRENT: "Once again.... Octavia is incorrect, and Sandra is correct.
Question 6: Location of his Bloodclaw tattoo?"

Octavia: "Now, I think my beautiful daughter said his cheek, but I don't see anything on his cheek so I'll go with the UPPER BACK answer again."
Izzy: "The tattoos were TEMPORARY, woman!"

 Sandra: "Yeah, Morgan told me his cheek, so.... CHEEK is what I wrote down."

BRENT: "Back is wrong, Cheek is right. And NOT his buttcheek, I might add! Harhar. Anywho."

BRENT: "The last round is about Izzy."
Octavia: "Thank GOODNESS. Get that camera off me for once!"
Izzy: "Who are you even trying to kid right now??"

 BRENT: "Question 1: What color are Izzy's eyes?"

Sandra: "PINK-ISH."

Wes: "RED."

BRENT: "Her eyes are in fact.... Pink-ish! If they were red, she would look like the devil."
Morgan: "Too late..."
Izzy: "Really Morgan? Calm your tits."
Sandra: "Hah! At least she has some!"
Octavia: "Ladies! ....If you can even be called that... You are all so unladylike and full of vulgarity."
Izzy: "Don't try to be the referee here, Octavia."
Octavia: "Will you PLEASE stop calling me that! I am your MOTHER for Christ's SAKES!!"
Sandra: "Sounds like some serious Mommy Issues..."

 Mason: "STOP."

Mason: "I am pulling a Rue here. I am standing up to put an end to all this drama and mean-spirited dialogue back and forth."

Mason: "We're simply playing a game here. There WILL be a winner, and there WILL be a loser. That's what we signed up for; we signed up for an adventure of a lifetime, and a shot at a LOT of money. No one signed up to get bullied by others."

Mason: "The two of you obviously have a very rough history, and I hope someday you can learn to patch it up. My brother informed me just 20 minutes ago that our grandfather has finally passed away. I had a gut feeling it might happen while I was away, and even though we weren't super close, I still shed a tear. Why? Because I SHOULD have been closer to him. He lived only 10 minutes away my entire life and I never bonded with him, and he was truly a great man.
I wasn't going to say anything, because it truly is no big deal- circle of life and everything- but I think daughter and mother can learn from it as well. You might feel like your relationship has no future right now, but surely, there will be a day when you look back and regret not healing the wounds.
Octavia, this is your ONLY daughter, and Izzy...
You only have one mother."

Mason: "That is all."

BRENT: "Wow. I only got half of that, but well said! May we continue with this mission without all the catty drama? I hope that's not too much to ask.
Question 2: What is Izzy's middle name?"

Sandra: "No idea. JOSEPHINE?"

Wes: "Same as before. She doesn't have a middle name, at least, not openly stated."

BRENT: "Wes would be correct. She has no middle name to speak of.
Question 3: Her current occupation?"


Wes: "Yes, the latter is what I wrote too! SOCIAL SOLICITOR."

 BRENT: "Both correct.
Question 4: Age?"

 Sandra: "26."

Wes: "29."

BRENT: "29 was indeed the number we were looking for. Another point to Wes/Mason.
Question 5: Place of residence?"

Sandra: "She's got a subtle Aussie accent... So I said AUSTRALIA."

 Wes: "Mason told me to remember it by thinking of a Kangaroo, and thinking of a Kangaroo I did!

BRENT: "10 more points added to the pot!
LAST QUESTION: Location of her Viperfang tattoo?"

Sandra: "Shit."
Morgan: "Sandra...."
Sandra: "I wrote ankle, but I'm starting to doubt that answer."
Morgan: "Yes. You really should."

Wes: "I wrote THIGH/LEG."

 BRENT: "True. It was on her leg. But specifically where? Ankle is far too low. But the thigh sounds JUST right! Another correct answer from Wes, and 5 more points into the pot."

 BRENT: "Let's tally up the results, shall we?"

BRENT: "Octavia answered 5 questions correctly, adding 25 points to the pot."

BRENT: "Sandra answered 8 questions correctly, adding 40 points to the pot."

BRENT: "Annnnd our grand winner is WES, who answered a whopping 11 questions correctly, adding 55 points to the pot!"

 BRENT: "So big congrats to our winner duo, Mason and Wes! C'mon up here, boys!"

Wes: "BOOYAH BABY!!! Hahaha. That was fun!"

BRENT: "Thought THAT was fun? Here comes the funner part... For me, anyway... Mason, please pick another duo to join you and your brother on your food reward."

 Mason: "I knew it."

Wes: "What are you thinking? What's most beneficial to your game?"

 Mason: "Nothing at this point. It's pretty much who I think deserves it."
Wes: "Morgan and her friend came second?"
Mason: "True, but Morgan and I don't have the best relationship out here. The only reason she'd choose me would be because she didn't choose Izzy..."

 Mason: "And Izzy really IS getting too skinny out here, so Izzy, please join us!"

Octavia: "What generous gentlemen! Your mother really raised you boys right."
 Izzy: "Thanks guys, I really appr-"

BRENT: "HOLD UP. 25 + 40 + 55 = 120, which brings the Group Pot to 905, and the Mole's Stash to 1085. Add that together, you get 1990, which is NOT quite 2000. Where did those missing 10 points go? Well, I'll tell you right now. The player still sitting down, AKA Morgan, has the opportunity to spend 10 points to steal the reward from Izzy and her mother. If Morgan chooses not to steal, those 10 points will go to the Group Pot, otherwise, they go to the Mole."

Morgan: "Huh.... Very, VERY interesting..."

Morgan: "I don't really NEED the points or money, just as much as I'm not terribly  in need of food.... I mean, I'm hungry of course, but I'm not STARVING. So I'll just take the reward in spite of you not choosing me, Mason. How does THAT feel?"

 Izzy: "....I cannot believe this."

Octavia: "Oh.... What a travesty."

BRENT: "Octavia, you have effectively been voted off the island. Please say your farewell and leave immediately."

Morgan: "Sorry Izzy."
Izzy: "You're not sorry."
Morgan: "You're right. I'm not. Although I DO feel bad for not letting you eat."
Izzy: "At least that's something...."

 Sandra: "I can't believe you spent $10,000 on me and some hamburgers!"
Morgan: "I'll admit, it was more the hamburgers than anything else."

Octavia: "Well, I suppose it is my time to leave...."
Mason: "Sorry ma'am. I really wanted the two of you to join us."

Octavia: "It is alright, thanks for picking my daughter and I anyway. And thank you, my dear host, for allowing me the opportunity to be here."

Octavia: "As for you... I see a lot of myself in you. A lot of repressed anger. Learn to release it now instead of bottling it in your whole life and making everyone around you as miserable as yourself. I know that sounds cliche but it is true. I just wish I had seen it sooner. If you learn nothing else from this journey, at least try to keep that in mind. You really do only live once, my dear, and family is the ONLY thing worth living for. You don't need to have kids to make a family, or even a husband or partner or whatever. You just need friends, someone to call your sister or brother, someone you can rely on and trust in, and live and laugh and love with. So I wish you well, and I wish your friend well as well."

Izzy: "....Wow, mom... That was profoundly deep."

Morgan: "Trust me, I'm nothing like you. Thanks for the life advice though. I'll pass it on to some other lonely rich house wife."

Octavia: "I wish I could have seen my flaws sooner, my dear child. I'm not even sure apologizing would cut it."
Izzy: "Not at all..."

 Octavia: "I have never quite fully understood you, and for that, I truly am sorry. I need to be better, a better listener and a better mother. And I hope you visit home soon, because I really want to make up for the mistakes I have made in the past."
Izzy: "...."
Octavia: "So please, don't be a stranger anymore. Your father and I miss you terribly..... I must leave now."
Izzy: *silence*

Octavia: "....I love you..... Izzy."

 *Izzy looks at her, shocked*

*Izzy begins to get water in her eyes*

BRENT: "Izzy, I got nothing for ya. As for Mason and Morgan, a buffet is waiting for you back at camp. Please enjoy it, without completely gorging yourselves!"

BRENT: "As for your Loved Ones.... You get them till sunset tonight. Then they will board the ship back to the mainland." 

*Laughter can be heard in the distance*

Izzy: "Well, this is fun.... NOT."

Izzy: "Hmmm.... Izzy's got a plan!"

Morgan: "Hey, where did your brother go? He better hurry his butt back here before I eat all the hamburgers!"

Mason: "Honestly, don't know, don't care! He's been able to eat whatever he wanted for the past month whereas I've been stuck here, so I don't feel bad if he misses out.... Just don't tell him I said that, hehe..."

Sandra: "Pretty sure he said he was going to the bathroom. Perhaps he got lost in the woods?"

Mason: "Eh. Maybe the wolf ate him, who knows."

Morgan: "Oh god. Please don't bring up that stupid 'wolf' thing again! If I was eating that dog right now in this hamburger I wouldn't even think twice about it."

Izzy: "And he thinks I'M the Mole?!"

Wes: "Aoohaha... Please don't stop..."
Izzy: "If you want to finish, answer me."

 Wes: "Fine. Yes. He thinks that.... I think. Like I said, we haven't had time to speak much, Morgan circles us like a hawk."
Izzy: "Hmmm..... But you also COULD be lying and covering for him because he IS the Mole, so why should I trust you?"

Wes: "Uhhhh.... You shouldn't. Are we even allowed to be interacting right now?"
Izzy: "What, why?! Has someone caught us??"
Wes: "Errr.... Nope! Not at all! No cameramen whatsoever. Can we continue now, please?"

Izzy: "Sorry mum!"

Morgan: "Well well well, look who's finally back! Must've been a tough number 2! We would know about those... Trust me. Constipation out here is as common as obesity in LA... Which may or may not be mutually exclusive."

Sandra: "Speaking of obesity, you should really take a gander at the new freshman P.E. teacher, Morgan. I can't think of anything more hilariously ironic as a fat physical education teacher, but that might just be me. It's like, dude, learn to eat just one cookie, not the whole fricken batch!"

Morgan: "...Coming from the woman who's currently on her FOURTH cookie!?"

Sandra: "Oh shuddup. I'm practically on vacation."

Morgan: "Hahaha, may seem like vacation to you now, but spend the night and you'll find the island fucking you up the arse by morning."

Mason: "Morgan! Please, my brother is here."

Wes: "Mason, I'm 22! You don't need to protect me anymore."

Mason: "Eh, sorry, yeah you're right, hehe. Sometimes I forget how quickly time has passed..."

 Morgan: "So did you use your vacation time or what?"

Sandra: "Huh? Oh no, fuck that! I just called in sick! Said I have the 'fever'! Bahahaha.
....Although I used that excuse the week before when I went to the Dodgers game. Oh well. They haven't fired me yet, and if they do, even better!"

Mason: "Well, looks like that sun has finally set, hehe. Should we all, you know... get going? Goodbye hugs and such? I'm not much of a hugger, just a forewarning. I simply fail to see the point, there's better ways to show affection, such as words."

 Wes: "Dude, how did you get so weird?! I'm sorry man, I love you, I truly do, but I don't understand how someone so intelligent can be so socially awkward! Did mom and dad not socialize you enough?"
Sandra: "I must say, I get my fair share of Mason's every year. Lots of weirdos in schools these days."

 Mason: "Well, gee, thanks... Both of you. Erm. I'd like to say I'm not as awkward as I used to be? I mean, compared to when I was a teenager, and even compared to just a few weeks ago. Being thrust into the uncertain really forces you to become adaptable, something I never had to face as a child since.... I just... Never had to, I suppose."

 Wes: "Oh, just admit it! Mom coddled you! And she STILL does! She nearly had a panic attack when you left her behind at the airport coming here. And she cried for a flat WEEK."

Mason: "...Oh, wow. That almost makes ME want to cry, hehe! But when you get home, tell her I've missed her and thought about her every single day, and that I can't wait to get home."

Morgan: "I believe that's Mason's way of saying... GET THE FUCK OUT."

 Sandra: "Wait up, I still haven't had any of that pie!!"

 Wes: "Eh, yeah, I can take Mason's hints. He's a very subtle but respectful guy. We better leave now before that boat leaves without us!"

Sandra: "Can I at least take the last of the pie with me for the ride?"
Morgan: "No, Sandra."
Sandra: "Not even a small slice?"

Morgan: "Absolutely not."
Sandra: "What about the cookies?"
Morgan: "NOPE."
Sandra: "How about THIS cookie?"
Morgan: "What part of WE ARE FUCKING STARVING TO DEATH OUT HERE do you NOT understand, woman?!?!"
Sandra: "Fiiiine.... You win. You bossy bitch." ;-)

Wes: "Well, bro, it's been too much fun, hanging with you out here with these, erm, lovely ladies. Can you make sure to tell Izzy I said thanks?"

Mason: "Uhhh... For what?"
Morgan: "Good question."

 Wes: "For, uh, guiding me to the bathroom, OF COURSE! She was very, VERY helpful..." ;-)

Sandra: "That sounds fishy as fuck. Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Detective."
Mason: "The feeling is mutual! Say, what are you doing with that cookie?"
Sandra: "Nothing."
Mason: "You're certainly doing something."
Sandra: "It's just a cookie. I'm full, so I'm going to give it back to Morgan."
Mason: "Can I have it? Please, I'm still hungry."
Sandra: "Uhmm... I barely know you. I'm giving it to my friend."

 Morgan: "It's okay, he can have it. I'm feeling bloated."

Sandra: "Morgan, shush! I'm trying to help you here!"

 Morgan: "Help me with what?! Getting diabetes?? NO THANK YOU!"

Mason: "What's so important about that cookie that you're not eating it, and not letting me have it, huh?"

Mason: "Wes, grab it from her!!"

Wes: "What, are you crazy??!"
Mason: "DO IT! DO IT NOW!!"

 Sandra: "Morgan, CATCH!!"
Morgan: "What the-!!" (the cookie flies past her)

*Paddy the Parrot swoops in and catches it*

 Sandra: "You were supposed to catch that, you dimwit!"

Mason: "WOW, isn't that something?! He caught it, he really caught it! Now, if he'll just bring it back down, and deliver it to me...."

Mason: "Annnnnd never mind. He either dropped it into the lake or he ate it."

Wes: "That... was... INCREDIBLE! Nice catch, Birdo!"
Mason: "That's Paddy the Parrot right there. He helped me deliver enough messages to get a clue to the hidden immunity idol."

Morgan: "What the FUCK is going on?! And YOU had an immunity idol too???"

 Mason: "...Oh. I guess I never told anyone that. But wait... You had one as well?!"

Wes: "Is anyone going to tell me why that damn cookie was so important??"

Sandra: "Well, if it weren't for that meddling Mason, you never would have found out, but since you know about it now.... It was a fake, plastic cookie, and it said 'FIONA' on the bottom of it."

Mason: "Are you sure that's what it said??"

Sandra: "Yes. Pretty fucking damn sure that this ENGLISH TEACHER knows how to fucking read."

 Mason: "That must've been-"
Morgan: "A clue, yes. Hidden for one of us to find. And thanks to my dear friend Sandra here, everyone knows about it now."

 Wes: "Well, not everyone! Izzy doesn't know about it."
Morgan: "....Stupid god-damn bird. Should have eaten him when I had the chance."

Mason: "Be thankful it was Sandra who found the cookie. If Wes or I got to it first, you wouldn't have been able to see it.... Or hide the evidence BEFORE we found it..."

 Morgan: "That sounds like you're accusing me of something, Mason."

Wes: "WAIT! I have an idea on how to interpret that clue!!"
Sandra: "Yes, please DO share!! ...After you stop picking my nose you dingbat."

Dan the Cameraman: "ACTUALLY, times up for the Loved Ones...  Like, way WAY up. The sun set an eternity ago. No time for final goodbyes, I need Wes and Sandra to leave immediately."

Wes: "Oh, fine. Hasty much? Hahaha I'm just messin' with you guys! It's chillin'. Later Mason!"

Wes: "I'll tell everyone you said hi, and of course tell mom that you miss her. We're postponing Grandpa's funeral a week so that you can make it back in time to attend. See you in a few days bro!"

Mason: "Later Gator! Thanks for coming all the way here and joining me in my crazy adventure!"

Sandra: "Fuck. I work tomorrow. Oh well. Good luck, Morgan. Go get'em, TIGER!"

 Morgan: "Adios! Thanks for being my partner in crime today."

Mason: "Should we share some of the leftovers with Izzy?"

Morgan: "Absolutely not."



Group Pot: 905
Mole's Stash: 1095

(Viewers and players alike, please vote!!)


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