Tuesday, April 5, 2016


.:: Day 9 ::.

Artie: "You look at my face... You remember it... ... Moi, I always wanted to cite Margriet van der Linden, oui... But le contexte... Ugh, I am very irrité after les things with Adrian... Grr.. Ugh..." 
*Artie lets out a deep, annoyed sigh*
Artie: "Incroyable... Unbelievable... He would shoote un loup, probablement with un wife and enfants, er, children... Très brute, très brute. Monsieur Bensley, je t'Emmerde avec un grand A!"

Adrian: "So a little someone from our opposing team happened upon us yesterday, following that garish wolf. I was going to shoot the damn thing, finally get some decent grub in us but that silly French poodle got in the way. I really should have let slip of the arrow and shot her instead, then we'd all get some much needed peace and quiet from her drivel.

A lot of fatal accidents have been happening around here, haven't they? Not saying I have anything to do with them but it does entertain me. A little part of me loves to see people in misery. I suppose it's more a staple in my personality rather than a little part of me.
Other people are just toys or liabilities to me.
I think I may have to cause some more havoc and get my blood pumping again. I need something and I'm just not getting it. People keep getting in my god damned way.

Believe me, I'll have my fun at someone else's expense."


Isabelle: "So, uh, it's unlikely that my parents bothered to watch this show, so, uh, I can come clean, I suppose. I didn't want to tell the other contestants yet but I've been trying to change into my real personality in full. It'll be a slow process, of course, but maybe if I can last long in this game, I'll be able to change and I can stop lying to myself, to everyone. The last time I came in here I talked about my tribe and I didn't see much in them, but now I can see they truly are something else. Friends, maybe. I'd like my own sitcom. I just wanted to come in here to open up to you, Cameraman, and say one more thing out loud: maybe I will fall in love out here."

Rue: "Erm.... Guys? I was looking in our rice basket and I only found this... One single grain of rice."

Adrian: "Oh shit..... Fuck me. No, fuck Georgie! Where is that woman?! I think it's about time we all have a proper chat about her eating more than her share. She eats for two; her daily portion AND Artie's. Have you seen Artie lately?? She's getting too damn thin, and she was already pretty thin to begin with..."

Rue: "Yeah, she's pretty much a walking stick."
Adrian: "Is that why her last name is Stique?"
Artie: "Eh-HEM. I am right here, garçons."
Adrian: "Yeah. We know."

Plum: "I'm sure she'll be fine, Mason. She just needs a good cleaning up is all!"

*Mason pokes at the purple unicorn*

Mason: "Yeah, I don't know about that. That wolf got'em good.... He's lost a lot of stuffing. I'm not too sure he'll make it...."

Plum: "....Riiiiiight.... Well, if and when you actually EVER have any juicy information about stuff that actually matters, PLEASE let me know ASAP. Because I have some gossip of my own that I've just been DYING to share!! But no one else is really up to sharing information with me for some reason.... Do you know what that is? I don't understand why. Is it because I talk too much? I don't talk too much, do I? Oh god, it is, isn't it?? I talk too much, huh! Gosh darnit....  Wait. Do you see that?"
Mason: "Huh?"

Plum: "That ship on the horizon.... It's coming right at us!"

Caden: "What's going on?"
Isabelle: "Did you not hear? There's a boat down there waiting for us!"
Caden: "A boat? You mean-"

*Isabelle sneezes*

Caden: "Bless you!"
Isabelle: "It was 'God Bless You' in my household growing up, but I suppose the secular version will do.... Although, if I were to be COMPLETELY honest..."

Caden: "Please don't. You usually hurt my feelings."

Isabelle: "...Oh. Okay then. I was just going to say-"
Caden: "Please don't say anything. You're a pretty stoic woman under the sun, so you'll forgive me when I tell you I'm not in the mood for your bipolarity today. Let's just get our stuff and find out what's happening, alright?"
Isabelle: "Uhm, yeah, alright.... fine."

Artie: "I pense zey see us...."
Mason: "Just making sure! Since Georgie has been ignoring our plans to ration the rice, we're going to die from starvation out here in a matter of days. High white rice consumption leads to constipation, and it's clear she's suffering from a bout of that with her hourly visits to the toilet.... The proof really is in the pudding."

Adrian: "Surprisingly, pudding still sounds good even after the fact you used that in the same breath as describing Georgie's constipation problems."
Rue: "Speaking of Georgie, where is she? If that ship takes us away, I hope she doesn't get left behind...."


Caden: "I don't understand, where are we going?"
Linda: "Don't know, that's the exciting part!"

Whitney: "Eek, I can't wait even a teensy bitsy second more! I totally gotta like board that boat like NOW. EEEEE! THIS IS TOO EXCITING!!"

Linda: "Hey, don't forget your suitcase!! ....Oh, who am I kidding, sims don't need suitcases! They carry everything they need in an invisible inventory!"
Isabelle: "You play WAY too many video games...."
Caden: "No kidding!"

*All 10 players board the ship and the Captain starts sailing to their next expedition*


Whitney: "WAIT..... OMG, since when did we like have a waterfall?!"

Caden: "Since the ENTIRE time we've been out here, maybe?"
Whitney: "NOT FAIR! How come like no one told me?" >:(

~ 1 hour later ~

Macquarie Island is an Australian island located between Tasmania and Antarctica, and is one of the few places where you can see with the naked eye an oceanic transform fault."

~ 4 hours later ~

CAPTAIN: "To your right, you can see the tip of Macquarie Island.
We are heading further and further away from the equator, which means we are leaving tropical paradise behind."

 ~ 2 hours later ~





































Mason: "He sure left fast!"

Adrian: "Longest boat ride of my life.... And not even an offering of any fine wines or cheeses. How unprofessional."

Isabelle: "Normally I would disapprove of the unprofessionality of it all-"

Caden: "Not a word."

Isabelle: "-But today I am feeling care free. It is not like we paid money to board, correct?"

Adrian: "Whatever. I still expect to be treated properly when I am forced to sit idly for that long of a period, be it first-class or not. It's not like I was anticipating sauteed squid or something, but they could have at the very LEAST offered some caviar and chardonnay."
Georgie: "Pretentious much?"
Adrian: "You would know."

Rue: "Caviar and chardonnay? What the haystack even is that??"
Isabelle: "You do not even want to know. Rich food, let us leave it at that."
Rue: "Gotcha. Shall we proceed?"
Artie: "Oui!"

???: "Dan, Dan, I see heads, Dan! They're coming! The British are coming! Hahaha."

???: "Hmmm...."

???: "I believe I count 10! All 10 of 'em made it, that's all well and chappy!"

???: "I suppose I should go over and introduce myself to- AH!"

???: "Bloody hell!! My glasses!"

???: "Shit shit shit!"

???: "Dan, help me find my glasses!"
Dan the Cameraman: "We don't have time for that, the cast are making their way over here now! We can't miss this shot!"

???: "Grrr.... Fine. I'll have to do without them. Again. But you know I can't see worth shit without them..."

Mason: "....."

Adrian: "Uhh....? Hello there, gorgeous ginger. Are you lost?"

???: "Dan, what on Earth are you even saying??"

Adrian: "Oh, just fucking fantastic. First we get a Deaf, now a Blind! I suppose I'll have to rely on just my charm to seduce this one, my killer looks aren't going to do me any good this time around."

Whitney: "Uhm, so I like, totally have a concern, guys. Where are we going again?"
Caden: ".....That's actually a really good question, Whitney. Why did we walk over here? And why did we stop? And where even ARE we? SOMEBODY BETTER START EXPLAINING!!!"

Dan the Cameraman: "Uhm.... What are you doing, Ms. Autumn?"

???: "What does it look like I'm doing?! I'm going to go greet the cast! Although admittedly, I'm having trouble finding them without my glasses...."
Dan the Cameraman: "Er, well..... You already passed them."

???: ".....Oh. Riiiiiight. Explains the voices in my head."

???: "Ahem!"
Georgie: "Brent is really starting to test my patience now..."

???: ".... AHEM!"
Plum: "If you knew ANYTHING about this show Georgie, you would know that we get introduced to a co-host halfway through the game. That time is likely now."

???: "AHEM!!"

???: "Hello, all! My name is Apricot Autumn, and I will be your co-host for the season."

Plum: "OH EM GEE! Wow. That woman gives me a very strong ORANGE vibe!!"
Adrian: "Huh. I wonder why..... Fucking Einstein over here, ladies and gentlemen."

APRICOT: "A little bit about me: I was born and raised in Tasmania, Australia."

Rue: "Woot woot, another Aussie in the house..... errr... Island!"
Isabelle: "Your accent is quite lovely, Apricot. I did not know that you Tasmanian Devils had such a distinct accent compared to the rest of us Aussies."

APRICOT: "Why thank you, to whoever said that. I can't really tell because I lost my glasses, and thus, my vision is terribly blurry. So much so that it gives me a headache to even try and make out figures and shapes. You see, I have Astigmatism, which means my eye shape is a bit irregular, causing blurry vision. Glasses cures it, but without my glasses I'm pretty much blind. Did I mention? Brent Springs is my fiance. He's Deaf and I am practically blind. What a couple, am I right??"

APRICOT: "I met Brent a year ago. I saw him on that Abnormality show, and I must say, I fell head over heels for him. He had a very boyish innocence to him that I found very, VERY attractive, and very, VERY manipulab-errr.... Never mind. But his effort in that show gave me the motivation to try myself! I tried out for a few reality game shows myself, but all of them were cancelled. So I'm not very well known in this community, but I have ties! I'm dating Brent, and Grey Winters was a college friend of mine! He tried casting me for the first season of The Mole, but alas, I was not selected by the casting team... What a pity."

APRICOT: "After Grey was imprisoned, I met Kenzen. Through Kenzen, I met Karen, and here I am today! Karen thought I made perfect sense to be a co-host, considering the amount of ties I have to this show, and the fact Brent and mine's relationship is pretty much the definition of yin and yang.... At least, that's what Karen thought. I personally don't see it."

 APRICOT: "But anyway, more about me- I am a certified Therapist, with a Master's Degree in Psychology, all the more reason I was eligible for this job, considering the amount of psychology that goes into a game such as The Mole."

APRICOT: "Even furthermore, we ARE on Tasmanian soil as we speak, and as you already know, I'm a native Tasmanian. So I'm almost OVER-qualified for this job, if I do say so myself.... In fact I should have gotten the main hosting job, not this bloody co-host gig, but I'll take what I can get, I suppose!"

 APRICOT: "Now, let's talk about this island that we are on."

 "Population: 29. Was 30, until some poor soul froze to death after he broke his leg trying to climb that mountain over yonder."

"Full disclosure: Because of the Survivor theme this season, we needed to take all of you to another island. As you all know, we are on a tight budget, so unfortunately the Bahamas was off the table. We still wanted this to feel like a VACATION destination though, so food and shelter shouldn't be TOO much of an issue."

"There's not much of any plant or animal life anyway, since the government's nuclear testings on the east side have killed off any sign of any life in that regard...."

"Furthermore, that is actually an active volcano, which explains the low population. Most of the people here only live here seasonally to do research on volcanic activity and contained nuclear tests."

"...Oh, and space shuttles as well! Tasmania's first expedition into space originated right here!"

 APRICOT: "So, needless to say, getting a warrant to film here was PRETTY cheap.... Actually, it was free! So if anyone asks, that's why we selected this island. Plus, it was in sailing distance to your home island, which is all the more reason we selected it. Not to mention the fact this is one of the very few islands in the world that has lava AND ice within a mile of each other. That's pretty nifty, is it not?"

 APRICOT: "Now that we've gotten all the introductory stuff out of the way, we can get back to the juicy stuff and this new twist that will shake things up. Everyone.....



Plum: "But.... We're not wearing any buffs?"

APRICOT: "Oh. My mistake. Then drop.... your.... PANTS!"
Plum: "...."

Georgie: "How about NO?
APRICOT: "Fine. I was hoping it might've worked. Anyway.... Drop your tattoos!"

Linda: "We can't?"

APRICOT: "Yes, with a chainsaw you can!"

Linda: "Oh no, please no chainsaws.... They give me bad memories of the apocalypse...."

 APRICOT: "Sweet Linda.... Giving all gingers a bad name..."
Linda: "What was that??"
APRICOT: *sighs*

Artie: "So.... Zut arrive next? Is zis the fusionner? Err... Fusion? You know? Fuse togedzer?"
Georgie: "You mean the MERGE, poptart?"
Artie: "Oui oui! Ze MERGE!"

Mason: "Now that's a game changer! This should be intriguing!!"

Rue: "Already?! According to my calculations, 10 people at the merge is quite a bit."

Artie: "Dix? I count neuf."


Artie: "Pardon.... I see nine. Ten? Non."
Adrian: "You forgot to count yourself darling.... Bright in attire, but not very bright in the head now are you?"
Artie: "Grrrr... Et vous monsieur sont un morceau de loup merde!"
*Mason chuckles* 

Artie: "Huh? You understand moi?"
Mason: "Uhh... No comprende?"

Artie: "Spit out. Confesser now!"

Mason: "Well, uhm... I was home-schooled as a kid, and I was taught a bit of French.... I don't remember much, though...."

Artie: "Enough to understood moi, zough! How come toi never told moi?!"

Mason: "I have my reasons."

APRICOT: "OKAY, LADIES AND GENTS! We are NOT having the merge quite yet.... We are having a
*cue shock and awe*

 APRICOT: "Since it is pretty hot-"
Adrian: "Not really."
APRICOT: "Pft! What you talkin' about Willis? It's like... 100 degrees out here!"
Adrian: "No... It's really not. It's closer to 60."
APRICOT: "Adrian, is that you? If so.... Just take my lead...
SINCE IT IS PRETTY HOT, I have the PERFECT solution to cool us all down, while determining your new tribe assignment!"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


APRICOT: "Please pick one and make yourself a snow cone! Any one will do."

Whitney: "OMG is this like totally exciting or WHAT?!"
Georgie: "Very exciting dearie... Oh so very exciting. They're feeding us dessert when they SHOULD be feeding us REAL food. But alas, they don't. Go figure."

APRICOT: "Each machine has a flavoring bottle; 5 machines contain the Blue Raspberry flavor, which is blue. The other 5 contain the Apricot flavor! Which is orange....ish."

Adrian: "Ooooh, can't wait to see what you taste like..."
APRICOT: "Pardon?"
Adrian: "Just talking to myself, don't worry your pretty little head over it. Is there a Ginger Ale flavor too?"

APRICOT: "No. Just Blue Raspberry and Apricot, Adrian.
Anyways... This woman behind me is named Mahuika Hine. You can say hi but she doesn't know English very well..."

APRICOT: "Her ancestors, the Māori people, were the founders of this island. Naturally, as humans do, they begun to fight over resources, and eventually this conflict led to two very distinct tribes. They were..."

"ICE NATION, who lived up in the beautiful snowy mountain tops..."

"And FIRE CLAN, who stayed warm by living on the edges of the volcano."

APRICOT: "The flavor you get today will decide which tribe you fall under.
If you get the blue flavor, and trust me, blue IS a type of flavor... your new tribe will be ICE NATION.
If you get the orange flavor, your new tribe will be FIRE CLAN."

APRICOT: "After today's mission, I will give both tribes a map to their new camp. You will all be living just as Mahuika's ancestors did, sleeping on rock or snow, and eating off the land."

APRICOT: "To further immerse yourselves into the Māori culture, you will, once again, get a tribal tattoo. And this time, it'll be a real tattoo! Just like how many Māori people get facial tattoos, oftentimes on their lip and chin. Mahuika here will do the tattooing."

Whitney: "Uhm... Did she like SERIOUSLY just say we gonna get REAL tattoos? Like, no thank you? Like, I'll pass? I'm like, totally good? Like what are we supposed to SAY to that?? Like maybe next time or somethang?"
Linda: "I don't think she literally meant on our face... Maybe we can get it somewhere else on the body?"

APRICOT: "Nope, the face is the only option! Gotta live like those natives did."

APRICOT: "But my only question is this....
WHY THE HELL IS THERE AN ICE CREAM TRUCK IN A PRACTICALLY DESERTED ISLAND?? Who's even driving it?! Probably some bloody idiot..."

Adrian: "Why this island has 10 of these snow cone machines lying around is also an equally valid question that I would just LOVE to be answered. I also have a few others questions that you could answer, miss Autumn.... Like: Why is the sky blue, why do birds and bees sing, are you a virgin, who is the Mole, etc etc...."

Georgie: "Someone's a little 'thirsty' over there, huh? Ha! Did I use the word right?? THIRSTY?!"
Adrian: "....Yes Georgie, you're now officially cool and young again. Congrats! And I am actually dehydrated, thanks for the concern."
Georgie: "...."

Mason: "I'm not getting a tattoo on my face, I'll say that right now. This so-called "temporary" tattoo on my cheek isn't showing any signs of coming off either, so you'll have to excuse me, ma'am, if I refuse to do whatever it is you want us to do. But considering the fact there is no needle on that table, and only paint, my conclusion is that you were lying to us, and only painting our faces. Please inform me if I am wrong, though."

APRICOT: "...Welp, you got me! April Fools!!"

Rue: "But that was a week ago-"

APRICOT: "I KNOW IT WAS GODDAMNIT! ... Sorry. Didn't mean to yell. Fine, how about this....
Apricot Fools!! Ha, get it?! Because Apricot and April both start with the same 4 letters??? Hehe, too funneh... But anyway. You WILL get your tribe's symbol imprinted on your face, but it will just be paint, likely to fade in a few days."

Isabelle: "You know, the idea of a tattoo used to make me cringe, but now? I am not so sure. If I found the right design, why not? It could be quite the beautiful thing."
Caden: "What are you talking about? You already have a tattoo!"
Isabelle: "What are YOU talking about? I do not!"
Caden: "You do!"
Isabelle: "Do NOT!"
Caden: "Do to! It's right above your b-"
Caden: "......... About what?"
Isabelle: "Jesus christ. For once your goldfish memory has been useful!"
Plum: "Oh em gee.... Does she have... A tramp stamp?!?"
Isabelle: "Great. Now my parents are OFFICIALLY going to kill me... Thanks Caden."
Caden: "No problem! ......What are we talking about again?"

Artie: "Ze way I see zit... Ze corps... er, ze body... iz like un canvas. Tatouages can be beau, ZOWEVER: 
zey are permanent. You can NEVAH again have une clean slate. And zat iz a tragédie indeed."

Whitney: "Agreed! Like what happens when I like change my mind? I can't just like... take it off like I can take off my shirt and bra!"
Adrian: "What are you taking off over there??"

Isabelle: "If the body is a canvas, then I suppose makeup, clothes, hair, and jewelry can be the paint, huh? Never thought about it that way before, but then again, when I dyed my hair, I was definitely trying to make my appearance more artistic and unique... AND trying to rebel against my mother, but that's another story."

Isabelle: "...Oh look! It's orange! I suppose I am on Fire Clan, then??"

Adrian: "YES!! I mean... uh... Cool. That's cool. I am too. Linda, Plum, Whitney? What about you gals?"

Linda: "Nope, not me. I'm on team ice!"

Whitney: "Awww no! Linda-Pooh! We're totally on like different tribes now." :-(

Artie: "Je suis sur l'équipe arc-en!"
Caden: "ENGLISH."
Artie: "Err... I am on ze Rain-bow Tribu!"

Caden: "The hell?!?! I am too!"

Caden: "Why does this keep happening to me?? I repeat... I. AM. NOT. GAY!!"
Plum: *snickers*
Caden: "I'm not! Trust me!"
Plum: "Hehehe, you're so funny Caden!"
Caden: "I am?? I mean.... I am, aren't I?"
Plum: "And cute..."
Caden: "Huh?"
Plum: "Oh, uhm, nothing!"

Rue: "Ice Nation for me!"

Mason: "The dastardly clan for I!"

Plum: "Uhmm.... Is this purple? I think this is purple. Apricot, can you verify?"

APRICOT: "I'm half blind, remember? Looking in your direction, all I see is a large blur of purple!"

Plum: "Sweet, then I guess I'm on the Plum Tribe! Anyone care to join??"

Caden: "If it means not being on the same tribe as Blondie again, or that French Rainbow over there, then yes, I'd LOVE to...."
Plum: "Cool! We can have a party for two!!" ;-)

Caden: "All jokes aside though, I found this joke in my snow cone particularly unfunny. Apricot? Who put you up to this??"

APRICOT: "Huh? What was that?"
Caden: "Who told you to put rainbow syrup in mine??"
APRICOT: "What? Oh sorry I'm deaf."

Caden: "Hilarious. Seriously now."

APRICOT: "Uh..... Ermm.... OH LOOK! My twin!"
Caden: "Ha ha. Apricot Fools. So funny. "
APRICOT: "No seriously!"

 APRICOT: "That's my twin over there! HEY PEACH!"
Caden: "Don't change the subject on me!"

Peach Autumn: "HEY SOUL SISTAH!!"

Georgie: "Oh look! There's my twin too! Get it? 'CAUSE SHE BLACK??"

Georgie: "No but really I could seriously use a sistah up in HERE! I've been surrounded by a bunch of white peeps and one half-asian for weeks!
....Oh look! I got the Blueberry Kool-Aid flavah!! Thank LORD."

Georgie: "Then why did you make me say it, dumbass?"

APRICOT: "OKAY. Plum, you should be on Fire Clan, so that leaves Artie and Caden to be on Ice Nation.
I need all tribe members of Fire Clan and Ice Nation to stand together on their respective mats!"

* * * * *


Caden: ".....Uhh... I don't think so, Apricot. There's a sea of blue over here."

APRICOT: "What?? Damn it to hell. This is why we should do practice runs before the live shoot! I can't see worth crap."

Rue: "Hey, do you need my glasses?"

APRICOT: "I can manage just well without them, thanks. 


APRICOT: "I would read out who's on each tribe, but, yeah... You're just blurry blobs to me right now. Sorry."
Whitney: "I'm like totally over heeeere!! I'm totes on team fire BABY!"
APRICOT: "Are you? Okay, who from your previous tribe is with you?"
Whitney: "Sissy Izzy, that's who!"

Isabelle: "I am a sissy to you?! Do you even know me AT ALL??"
Whitney: "No, gurl, that's like.... totes supposed to be a compliant!"

Whitney: "...Oh. Then maybe I got like, the wrong defination then?"

Caden: "YOU THINK?? I have never been so thankful to get a Blue Raspberry snow cone in my entire life, since it means I'm finally not living under the same roof as YOU!"

Georgie: "Harsh."
Caden: "Don't speak your mind until YOU have spent 10 days trapped on an island with her."
Georgie: "Whatever you say, sweet-tart."

APRICOT: "Enough jibber-jabber! Mahuika here is ready to begin the face paintings!"

APRICOT: "Please mind NOT to wash off your tribe's symbol until we merge, alright? Mahuika? Anything to add?"
Mahuika: "This art of mine is the art taught to me by my ancestors. It is sacred to this island and this island alone. I am ready to begin."

APRICOT: "Whoever's in the front there can go first. Once we've gone through everyone, we can begin the mission!"


APRICOT: "This mission is called 'Two Rooms And A Boom', and is based off the social deduction game of the same name. 200 points are at stake for this mission."

"All the players have been split into two rooms. Ice Nation will start in ROOM 1, and Fire Clan will start in ROOM 2. There is also 2 hidden teams amongst the 10 of them; 5 BLUE team members, and 5 RED. Someone on the Red Team is secretly the Bomber, and someone on the Blue Team is secretly the President."

"It is the Red Team's job to assassinate the President. It is the Blue Team's job to save the President's life."

"How does the game work, you ask? There will be 3 rounds. At the end of each round, one hostage from each room is transferred to the other. If the Bomber is in the same room as the President at the end of the third and final round, Red Team wins. However, if they are in opposite rooms, Blue Team wins.

"The hostage each round is determined by the room's leader; the leader is voted by those in the room. At any time, but only once per round, can those in the room start an uprising and OVERTHROW the current Leader. More on that if this actually occurs,  though. The players already understand the rules, and already know their roles, so let's visit them and begin!"

"The story or theme, if you will, is that the President got word that someone among his ranks is a suicide bomber, trying to kill him, and that Bomber has support."

 "The Red Team is willing to kill the President at all costs, even at the cost of their own life."

"With the knowledge that the bomb could go off at any moment, the President is escorted from this building and taken to the military stronghold."
"Unfortunately, there, the President cannot be left alone, in fear of an assassination."

"Eventually, the paranoia builds to the point that there is hostility among everyone, and the only solution is to break the group in half.... One half in one room and the other in another room."

"With animosity and distrust running rampant, it is up to each player to determine who is on their side, and who is not."

 "It is here that we join the fray."



*door to ROOM 1 locks*

*door to ROOM 2 locks*

Georgie: "Wait, no! Open the door! Open the goddamn door, darnit!"

Georgie: "I need to take a shit! I need to take a shit NOW!!"

Caden: "Uhm, Georgie?"
Georgie: "WHAT?!"

Caden: "Fortunately for you.... and unfortunately for us.... There's a toilet RIGHT over there..."

Georgie: "HOOPLAH! THANK JESUS FOR ANSWERING MAH PRAYERS! ... Joking. I'm actually Agnostic. Stop stereotyping me."
Caden: "I hate to tell you this, but you're just stereotyping yourself-"
Georgie: "LIES!!"

Mason (whispering): "Hey, Whitney!"

Whitney: "Yeah?!"
Mason: "Shhh! Don't react. I am on Team Blue. Touch my hand if you are too."


*Mason smirks slightly*

 Plum: "Okay, guys! So, according to this chart here... The only way for us to get the most points possible is if the President lives, and all his/her Blue team buddies survive with'em after the bombing. And if the President dies, then, well... Absolutely NOTHING for the pot."

 Plum: "Honestly, I think regardless of your alignment, we should work together to foil the plans of the Red Team, and ensure a Blue Team victory! Who's with me??"

Caden: "This has GOT to be the worst smell I have ever smelt in my entire life."

Rue: "It's even worse 'cuz there's no windows at all in here! It's airtight sealed on this level. Bunkers work great to keep the outside from getting in.... However, it also prevents the inside from getting out. That can be a major problem if you need a quick escape from a fire, flood, loss of oxygen, ETC."

Caden: "Did you SERIOUSLY just spell out 'et cetera'?? It's not an acronym man! It's a phrase! 'ET CET-ER-A! Et Cetera! You people need mental help...."

Linda: "Mental suffering is an endangerment too. It's not just losing air or water. People can go crazy in solitary confinement, I've seen it myself with my own two eyes. Luckily that's not what this mission is about...."

Artie: "Un lack de oxygène est what it feels right now.... Cannot respirer wiz Georgie POOPING in zis chambre!!"

Georgie: "Sorry guys and gals... A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! 
....Does anyone happen to have any spare toilet paper on them??"

Isabelle: "We need a leader."
Plum: "Indeed we do! Any suggestions??"

Whitney: "My vote is for Mason!"
Mason: "Me?? Well, if you INSIST..."

Adrian: "Let's not get too hasty here! We have time."
Isabelle: "We do not, actually. Each round is only 5 minutes. Time is of the essence."

Whitney: "Presizely! We should like totally be worrying about who's the hotstage, NOT who's the leader! All in flavor of Mason being the leader, vote I!"

Mason: "Well that doesn't make any sense. You mean 'say I'? Otherwise you would be voting for yourself.... Which according to Apricot, you CAN do, so I!"

Plum: "Vote: I! I mean.... wait, no, TOTES my bad, Whitney, you're messing me up, girl! Vote: Mason!"

 Isabelle: "Why not? Vote: Mason."

 Adrian: "Well fuck me then, right? Apparently I do not have a voice in this group, so might as well just go take a nap. Haven't laid on an actual bed for weeks, so why miss out on such a fine opportunity? Have fun with this mission, people."

 Whitney: "Oh, we like, totally will! Dont'ya be worrying about that!"

Adrian: "I won't lose any sleep over it."

 Isabelle: "Do you usually make such an effort to avoid participating in missions?"

Adrian: "Stick around and you'll find out, Black Widow."

Isabelle: "Huh?"

Adrian: "Oh, right, I forgot. Your parents were so rich and pretentious they never exposed you to the world of Marvel. Sorry you didn't have a childhood."

 Isabelle: "Yeah.... me too...."

Mason: "Soooo.... Does that make me leader then?? This decision shall be stressful..."

 Georgie: "Have we reached a consensus yet?"

Caden: "Yes, we have. And it's to kick your stinky ass out of here."

Georgie: "Well that's not very kind, young man."

Caden: "Sorry. I'm hungry. And I also have no idea what to do with this mission because I COMPLETELY forgot what team I'm on."

Georgie: "I thought you batted for the same team, dearie?"

 Caden: "WHO THE HELL IS TELLING PEOPLE THIS?! IT'S. A. RUMOR! I'm NOT actually gay! Jesus christ...."

 Rue: "So back to the mission at hand..."

Artie: "We need un chef, oui?"

Linda: "This isn't Cooking Mama, Artie. No chefs needed here!"

 Artie: "Non, non! Un chef! As in... Un leadah!"
Rue: "Oh. You're right. We do need to figure out a leader... Uh, uhm.... How about.... eenie-meanie-minnie-moe?"


Rue: "....my mother picks the very best one and YOU. ARE.... IT!"

 Linda: "Oh. Yay me then? All in favor of Linda as your supreme overlord?"

Caden: "I."
Rue: "I."
Artie: "Je."
Linda: "I!!"

 Linda: "Sweet! You guys won't regret this.... I've had abundant experience in being the leader! I was once a leader of the Dragonborns, and I was the head of the Inquisition at one point too, plus I was the mayor of a town full of anthropomorphic animals, and another period in my life I was-"


Mason: "What do you think they're saying over there? Do you think they're revealing their team identity? Should we reveal ours?"

Plum: "I'll pass."
Mason: "Huh? Why?"
Plum: "I'm going to lay low this mission. No need to create a ruckus."

 Whitney: "So like... how does this, like, work?"
Isabelle: "I already told you. If we're going to agree to a mutual reveal, we both have to put our hand out and on the count of three, flip it over. You have your card, right?"

Whitney: "Uhm, like, uh, yeah? Of course! Who do you like, think I am? Some kind of like, dumbo or something? Ahahaha.... err.... Remind me again exactly WHEN and WHERE we got our cards....?"

Isabelle: "You're hopeless."

Adrian: "Ooooh, looks like things are getting intimate over there! Kiss, kiss, kiss!"
Isabelle: "Piss off, A-hole."
Adrian: "I would take a piss, but I'm afraid it might disturb you two lovebirds... Since, you know, you're hovering RIGHT over the toilet. How romantic."

Isabelle: "We are having a private conversation. So, seriously.... fuck off."
Adrian: "Oooh, someone said a swear word! Oh no! Call 911!"
Whitney: "Just ignore him."
Isabelle: "Easier said than done."

[LINDA and ARTIE agree to a mutual reveal]
Linda: "Awesome. You're red too."
Artie: "Fantastique!"

Georgie: "So Rue, there's no chance whatsoever that we could do a mutual reveal?"
Rue: "Correct."
Georgie: "And Caden, there is no chance whatsoever that you'll share anything?"

Caden: "I would if I could, but I don't remember my color."

Caden: "I forget."
Georgie: "Okay, so you lost it?? Where'd you lose it!?"

Caden: "I don't know."
Caden: "No, I mean I don't know if I lost it. I don't remember losing it."


Artie: "Does not apparaître like Georgie iz obtention much information..."
Linda: "That's okay though. I'm leader and we have majority. We can get rid of one of them."

 Georgie: "SorryLinda,couldn'tshakeanythingoffofthem-isshegood?"

 Artie: "Vut iz zat langue? Some kind of un gibberish??"

Linda: "Sorry Artie, just taking the necessary precautions. If we talk fast enough you can't understand us. It's okay though, Georgie.... She's with us."
Georgie: "Good. So which one is the hostage?"

 Mason: "Adrian, I can tell you don't want to participate, but I have a few questions for you anyway... I hope that is OK?"
Adrian: "You won't get anywhere, but shoot away."

Mason: "Do you want to do a mutual reveal?"
Adrian: "No."
Mason: "How about you show me yours if I show you mine?"
Adrian: "Gross. Double no."

Mason: "Fine. Are you Red or Blue?"
Adrian: "Purple."
Mason: "Do you want the President dead?"
Adrian: "Which one?"
Mason: "Do you have a bomb in your possession?"
Adrian: "That remains to be seen."
Mason: "Are you the Mole?"

Adrian: "Unknown."
Mason: "Do you know who the Mole is?"
Adrian: "Perhaps."
Mason: "Is it me?"
Adrian: "You tell me."
Mason: "Do you know who the President is?"
Adrian: "Unlikely."

Mason: "Are you the President?"
Adrian: "No... I mean, nein. NEIN. I speak basic German."
Mason: "Do you now?"
Adrian: "Yes. Are we done here?"
Mason: "You tell me."

Adrian: "Yes. We are done."

Mason: "Great. You can leave now. Whitney? Do you approve of this decision?"

Whitney: "Totally."
Isabelle: "I have no qualms about it myself."

Plum: "How much time do- ...oh. That probably means something."


Mason: "You're up, buddy."

Adrian: "You're picking me because I'm not telling you what you want to hear?"
Mason: "No, I picked you because you're not the President."

 Adrian: "Well, jokes on you, because that was my plan all along. I want to be the hostage. I already got all the information I needed from in here, so thank you."
Plum: "Did I miss something? What information?"

Adrian: "Don't act dumb, we all know your IQ is above the rest. Mason and Whitney are clearly in cohoots, and you're on the outs. I don't know about Black Widow over there though."

Isabelle: "I have a name. Maybe some day you'd care to learn it."

 Adrian: "Yes, I would, and perhaps over a glass of champagne and steak dinner?"
Isabelle: "You're a pig."
Adrian: "Ooooh, foxy AND feisty, just what I like."


Adrian: "Adios, non-amigos."


Adrian: "Sooo... What does a guy have to do to get a drink around here??"

Rue: "...."

 Whitney: "Uhmm... This is like, totally AWK-waaard...."
Isabelle: "Why is he just staring at the door?"
Mason: "I haven't the slightest of clues, and I must confess that is unusual for me."

 Rue: "Oh, you guys talking about me? Don't worry, I'll just be standing right here and staring at this here door for the rest of the mission. Don't mind me! Just little Rue minding his own business."
Plum/Mason/Isabelle/Whitney: "...."


Adrian: "I like what you've done with the place!"

Georgie: "Is that supposed to be a joke? I can't tell if that's a joke."
Caden: "Considering he hasn't been in here before, I'm assuming yes. Or maybe the rooms are identical and he's being ironic."

Adrian: "Right. So which one of you lovely ladies wants a piece of me first?"

Caden: "Not sure you noticed, but I'm a dude."
Adrian: "Oh, I know. I just thought you people liked to be referred to with feminine pronouns."
Caden: "You people??! I'm not-"

Adrian: "It's okay, really, man. I don't discriminate in bed." ;-)
Caden: ".....I can't take this anymore. I'm going to murder someone soon."
Adrian: "Hey hey woah woah, slow down there, cowgirl! You're going to need an accomplice for that... And it's okay to come out now, we all know. This is a safe place."

Caden: "I DON'T LIKE MEN! I love women and boobs!! Why is that so hard to understand?!"

Artie: "Uh-hem... We zould like to talk with you premier, Adrian."

Adrian: "Yeah? And who's 'we'?"

Adrian: "....Oh. And that must leave Caden...."

Caden: "By himself. Yes. Which is why you have nothing to lose talking to me first."

 Adrian: "Well shit." *bumps into Caden*
Caden: "Hey, watch it!! ...What are you doing?"

Adrian: "I'm starving. So if you don't mind, I will raid your fridge."
Caden: "Not really 'mine', per se, but go ahead anyway."

Adrian: "Why is all this stuff expired? Who puts expired foods in a bomb shelter?? What's that though? Pig brains?"

Adrian: "Eh, good enough for me I suppose. Haven't had any real protein in weeks."

 Linda: "So who will you talk with first? Us or him?"
Adrian: "I'll let you know in a second. Let me enjoy my brains first, please."


 Artie: "Adrian! We need un réponsdre!"
Adrian: "Not yet. I'm still eating."


Artie: "Now?"
Adrian: "Nope."

Linda: "Okay, seriously Adr-"
Adrian: "HUSH! Still enjoying my meal."
Linda: "Grrr...."

Linda: "I can't feel my legs anymore. My groin area is next to go."
Georgie: "I lost all feeling in that region years ago after childbirth... Kids, if you're watching... Don't have any kids. They ruin everything."
Linda: "Sound advice."

 Artie: "I am un statue. I am ciment. I part of wall now."

Linda: "Hashtag DEAD."

Caden: "Okay..... Come on dude, this is ridiculous! And besides.... Aren't our 5 minutes up by now? It feels like it's been forever."

Adrian: "Yeah, fine, sorry. I'm ready now. I just really wanted to enjoy every single bite of that... whatever THAT was..."

Adrian: "I'm ready to speak to whoever is in charge."

Adrian: "....Hello? Who's in charge around here?"
Caden: "Linda....LINDA! Wake up!"

Linda: "Huh-.... whu...?"

Linda: "Oh....What did I miss?"

Caden: "Other than Georgie taking yet another shit, absolutely nothing."

Caden: "Adrian is ready to talk though, so you should probably deal with that."
Linda: "Is he now?"

Linda: "Alright, Adrian.... So how do you want to do this?"

 Adrian: "Oh, we don't have to do anything, actually. The situation is clear. You three women are together, and you're obviously against Caden. Caden is Blue, which makes you three Red."

 Caden: "What? How did you know I was Blue?"

Adrian: "I swiped your card when I bumped into you earlier, genius."
*Caden checks his pocket.... His identity card is missing* 

Linda: "That's cheating!"
 Caden: "He's lying. Well, I was lying too. I was acting like I forgot my color.... Okay, fine... I DID forget a few times, but I ripped out a tuft of my blue hair and have kept it in my palm just in case I forgot.... That's what I think I did, anyway. I don't remember. Why else would I have a lock of hair in my hand?? More importantly, though... Why the HELL do all of you have weird paint on your faces?!"

Georgie: "You do too. You could have just as easily smeared some of the blue paint on your fingers, instead of ripping hair off your scalp, but to each your own."
Caden: "It's actually 'to each HIS own', but I'll let that one slide."
Georgie: "....If you brought it up, then you didn't let it slide, baby doll."

Linda: "How can I know to trust you? You could just as easily be Blue along with Caden. I think you should do a public reveal. Show everyone in the room your color identity." 

Adrian: "Not going to happen."

 Linda: "Yeah? And why not?"
Adrian: "Because you know for sure that Caden opposes you. My identity will remain unknown. I'm unconfirmed. Caden, on the other hand, is confirmed, and he is dangerous to have in this room, so he should be your next hostage."

 Linda: "You certainly have a point.... Let me scratch my tummy and stare into oblivion and act deep in thought for a moment, please."

[PLUM does a PUBLIC REVEAL..... She is RED]

Plum: "See? I'm Red. I'm on the Bomber's team.... But I don't want the Bomber to succeed in killing the President! Yes, if that happens, I get a bonus point on my quiz. Big whoop. What matters substantially more is adding points to the pot. Being a journalist isn't the highest paying job out there, you know! I need that money. BADLY. I've gotten this far in the game so far, so I think I know what I'm doing.... I don't need a bonus on my quiz, I just want more points! Which is why I'm willing to support you guys. It's imperative that Blue wins."

Mason: "Whitney? What's your opinion on the matter?"

Isabelle: "How can you trust her so blindly when you don't know for sure she's Blue? I'm the only one in this room that you know for sure is on your side, Mason..... What is he doing now?"

Rue: "Staring at the wall."
Isabelle: "....Men are so uncivilized." *shakes head*

 Whitney: "I mean, I guess.... We could like... Use her as a, like, spy?"
Mason: "Oooh.... Like a double agent?"
Whitney: "Totes!"

Plum: "And that way you can keep control on this side! Red is clearly dominating the other side, so they'll trust me. I could even try to overthrow the current leader and send over the Bomber or President, whichever is needed.... Speaking of which, who IS your President?"

*crickets chirping*

Isabelle: "Mason. Is it you?"

Mason: "Although it would make sense to be both President and Leader, I am not.... Whitney?"

Whitney: *fake coughs* "No!" *actually coughs* "Help I'm choking!"

Mason: "It's okay. We can trust Plum. We don't really have another option, unless we want to send Rue back but that seems pointless."

Plum: "You guys should probably figure out what team Rue is even on. He could be the Bomber OR President, you know. But it's clear you're sticking together to maintain control in here, so your best bet is to send me over."

Mason: "Sounds super terrific to me! ...Sorry. I'm having too much fun, this is just such a thrilling mission for me, hehehe...."

Plum: "Oh! There's our signal."

Caden: "I hope you guys can trust Adrian, because he's the real one controlling this room, not your so-called 'leader'."

Linda: "I know what I am doing, Caden."


 Plum: "Hey Caden... Fancy to see you here!" ;-)

 Caden: "Yeah, you too-"


Plum: "Oh, geez! That scared me! ... Hey fam!!"


Whitney: "Rue! You're like totally no help! Let me see your card!"

Whitney: "Fine, then I guess I'll have to look for myself!"

[CADEN and MASON do a mutual reveal]

Mason: "Ah-ha! Good to have you on our side, my dear acquaintance."
Caden:  "Acquaintance?"

Mason: "Yeah, erm....  I barely know you, so I thought 'friend' sounded too personal.... hehehe... Cool hair though?"
Caden: "Thanks? Cool makeup?"
Mason: "Oh. Yeah, right. Forgot about that. Ditto, my acquaintance!"

Caden: "So what's our move here?"
Mason: "Depends on whether or not you're the President?"
Caden: "Does that mean you're not?"
Mason: "Possibly.... Whitney?"

 Whitney: "Yeah?"
Mason: "Anything?"
Whitney: "He's totally blue in the face."

Mason: "That would be his face paint. I meant his alignment!"

Whitney: "Oh. I meant that's he's sick. That's why he's like totally blue!"

 Mason: "So you don't know his color identity yet, is what you're saying?"
Whitney: "That would be totes correct."

 Mason: "Keep working on it. I need to confer with Isabelle."
Whitney: "Okey-dokey, artie-chokee! ...That's totally an odd saying! What's Artie choking on??"

Mason: "Caden is with us for sure."
Isabelle: "Thought so. And...?"

Mason: "Annnd.... He wouldn't say."

Isabelle: "So what you're telling me is... It's the final round, and we still do not even know who our own President is??"
Mason: "Well when you say it like THAT..."

Isabelle (leaning in): "We need to keep the President in here."

Mason: "What? Why?"

Isabelle: "It's what's best for the group pot. There's a lot of Blue in this room- if Rue is too, that's all of us. Remember, we get 40 points for each survivor that lives along with their President. So if the President stays in here and the Bomber stays out, that's a large sum of money. If we send the President over, the most we can get is 40 points, at the VERY most..."

Mason: "So basically the hostage has to be someone we know isn't the President? How do we decide on that??"

Isabelle: "That, my friend, is up to you."

Mason: "Oh lordeh, why in the world did you leave ME with all the responsibility??"

Plum: "Wait. So why don't we just send the Bomber over there?"

Linda: "It's a Catch 22. They have their President, we have our Bomber. We each need to send over one hostage... There's no telling what they will do. It's luck at this point. 50/50."

Plum: "Okay, then let's consider our secondary goal.... The pot! By being on Team Red, we are attempting to sabotage. The Mole is already doing well this season, he or she doesn't need our assistance!"

Adrian: "I already have a decent amount of wealth. I'm not willing to risk my life in this game for a few thousand dollars.... This game is a one in a life opportunity. Gaining a thousand dollars is as easy as robbing your next door neighbor while they're not home.... And then pretending you got robbed too so you don't become a suspect. Trust me, works like a charm, every time, guaranteed."

Georgie: "Are you sure you shouldn't be in jail, son?"
Linda: "Jail is so pointless. In and out in a matter of minutes. The guards are always too close to the cell door too... Makes it FAR too easy to snatch the keys."

Georgie: "I don't think you've been to an actual jailhouse before, sweetcheeks."
Linda: "And you have?"

Georgie: "....No comment."

Whitney: "Gawsh-darnit! We're totally running out of time!"

Mason: "I can't make a decision. I don't know what to! I've never been this indecisive in my life..."

Isabelle: "Perhaps we should overrule the leader...? Only because you can't make a decision."
Rue: "Yeah! Let's overthrow his ass!"
Isabelle: "No comments from the peanut gallery, please."

Whitney: "Uhm, uh..... Yeah this is like a really deaficult one, Mason. I totes wouldn't know what to do in your like socks."

Caden: *raises hand*

Caden: "Fine, whatever. I'm the President."

 Isabelle: "Why the heavens didn't you say anything 5 minutes ago?!"

Caden: "I don't trust Mason. Simple as that. Don't hate me."


Adrian: "Truce? What is that supposed to mean?"
Linda: "I don't know. Guess we'll find out."

Adrian: "In any case. You should still send me over. I'm the Bomber, after all."
Linda: "I don't believe that for a second."
Adrian: "You'll cum to eventually."

Plum: "The leaders are somehow involved. Maybe they're forcing the leaders to be their own hostages since neither room could decide?"

Artie: "Non! Zat iz not juste! We needz ze Président to die. Linda iz not ze bombardier."

 Georgie: "Whatever happens, make sure the President dies, Linda."
Linda: "That's my mission. Can't really kill'em without a bomb, though..."

Georgie: "Slicing their throat should also be an option."
Linda: "Can't. Don't have my swords with me."
Georgie: "..."



Mason: "Well?"
Linda: "I don't know what to say just as much as you."

Mason: "Alright, then if you don't mind, I'll start.... assuming of course that you do not mind?"

 Linda: "Go ahead."

 Mason: "As you should already know.... Our teams are segregated. You got your red-mates and I have my blue-mates. Each team has total control of who to send over."
Linda: "Mhmm."

Mason: "One bonus point isn't going to help you much. Either you know the Mole or you don't. There's too many points at stake here, I tell you! I think Red Team should forfeit this mission for the betterment of the group."

 Mason: "What do you say?"

Linda: "It's an interesting proposal!"

Mason: "It is, isn't it!?"

 Linda: "Because if I keep my Bomber held back, that would result in 160 points.... Assuming you keep your President in there. That way the President and 3 of his or her allies would live. It is a lot of points, but I'm not sure it's worth the risk to my personal game..."

Mason: "Keep your Bomber strapped tight in there, and I promise to let you borrow my journal overnight."

 Linda: "Oh, wow. That's quite the offer.... I've heard that you are not one to shy away from using your journal, plus you're a detective and all, so.... Fine! I'll keep my bomber locked up."

 Mason: "Alright, so deal?"

Linda: "Deal!"


Mason: "RUE!"

   Linda: "ARTIE!"

 Whitney: "GUYZ I like really really hope I'm not the President. I'm gonna look like such a total goofy-poof if I am!"
Caden: "Too late for that..."

Isabelle: "It is OK Whitney. Pretty sure Caden is our Obama."

Whitney: "Oh-BOMB-Uh?? WAIT... huh? I like don't get it.... I thought we were like the good guys! Did Caden lie to me?? Why does he have a bomb?!?!"


 Rue: "Me? Again??"


 Artie: "Splendide!"

 (Artie whispers something inaudible to Linda.... She nods)

Mason: "You're not the President, right?"
Rue: "Right."

Rue: "....So now what?"

Plum: "We await the results, silly!"
Adrian: "Please tell me you're not the President."
Rue: "I'm not the President."
Plum: "OH EM GEE, Yaaaaas!! ... I think? I'm not sure I hardly participated this mission. YOLO."

Isabelle: "She sure is taking her sweet time in announcing the results, isn't she?"
Whitney: "Normally I'd screech 'EEEEEEEEE', but I'm like totally too eggxious..."

*Apricot speedwalks right into the wall*

APRICOT: "OWH! STUPID BLOODY WALL! ... And now, stupid bloody nose...."

APRICOT: "This might take awhile."

Mason: "Just tell us! Were you the Bomber or not??"

Artie: "I cannot announcer. Me lips are scellé...er, sealed."


APRICOT: "What floor are we on? I lost count."
Dan the Cameraman: "We're in the basement, Apricot-"

APRICOT: "YES, I KNOW WE'RE IN THE BASEMENT STEVE! But there's multiple floors down here, and without my glasses I can't see bloody ANYTHING!"

Dan the Cameraman: "We're on negative 23, and it's actually Dan."
APRICOT: "Just help me reach the contestants, Steve."


Whitney: "Like, YAWN, am I right??"
Artie: "Way ahead of toi."

Mason: "Wait, shh, shhhh! I think I hear footsteps!"
Caden: "Someone has come for us! SOMEONE HAS FINALLY COME FOR US!!"

APRICOT: "Is this the right room?"

APRICOT: "Well it's gonna have to be because my feet are kiiiiilling me, so if I'm wrong let's just green screen it and add the contestants later."

 APRICOT: "Wait..... Yep, I'm in the right place. That hideous odor of BO and going without a shower for weeks is unmistakable in here."

 APRICOT: "Time to find out if this room held the President! If so, the lights will turn Blue any moment now...."

APRICOT: "ANY moment now...."
Isabelle: "They already changed."
APRICOT: "It did? Oh. I need new glasses....  Okay, so who was President?"

Caden: "Myself. I was trying to keep it under the radar for most of the game. I just hope my strategy worked."

APRICOT: "Mr. President, you have 3 allies in here, so altogether your cumulative wealth is 160 points at the moment."

APRICOT: "However, all that money can go down the drain with one simple reveal.... Artie, since you are the only Red Team member in here, I will ask you directly.... Are you the Bomber?"

Artie: "Hmm... Let me zink..."


Artie: "Oui! Oui I am. KABOOM!!! YOU ALLZ DEAD."

 Caden: "Damn it to hell."
Mason: "This is so embarrassing. If I'm not good at this what AM I good at??"

 Artie: "Muahahaha!!"

APRICOT: "Time to check in on the other room!"

APRICOT: "So I got some bad news and some good news."

ADRIAN: "Bring on the bad news!"

APRICOT: "The bad news is actually only for Rue. He lost. But the rest of you.... Congratulations!
Red Team WON!"

APRICOT: "Since the President was successfully assassinated by the Bomber, no points will be added to the pot. However, the following people get +1 bonus point on their next quiz..."





"...and ARTIE."

APRICOT: "Good night contestants.... I left each tribe a map with directions to find their new camping grounds... Have fun exploring your new home! See you all in a few days for a special DOUBLE Execution!!"


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